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111 Spring Has Sprung, or Has It? #539

Published on March 11, 2021 Written by

The seduction of Spring.  When you live in the Midwest, the winter can be long. Really long.  Add a pandemic and it became a fear for many people that we’d really struggle to get through this year.  As we reach temps in the 50s and 60s in March, the first temptations and relief begins.   We joke that it’s “pre-Spring,” and… View Article

111 Who Do You Listen To? #538

Published on March 10, 2021 Written by

What great questions do you ask as a leader?  I love to hear great leaders share their input for the biggest questions they are asking in the moment.  One of my current favorites given the conversations happening in our world right now is this:   Whose perspective would it be useful for me to understand?  When… View Article

111 Time Expands #537

Published on March 9, 2021 Written by

Sometimes you simply need to connect.   Nothing more.  Time to relax, be outdoors, let your mind roam, break up the monotony, do something different and be at peace letting go of the pace.  When you do, you are renewed.   There is space.  There is abundance and connection and caring.  When you make the time, time… View Article

111 It Is Our Time #536

Published on March 8, 2021 Written by

International Women’s Day. Certainly it’s a day I look for as a woman with a passion for working with other women.  Having just attended a women’s conference with one of my daughters, I am in great appreciation of what happens when women convene and band together.  There’s a tether that’s unspoken, tangible and immensely powerful.  When women gather… View Article

111 Five Practices For Resilience #535

Published on March 5, 2021 Written by

Resilience this year hasn’t been easy. We’re all fatigued, tired of the same, and frustrated.  Yet we need to carry on.   At this stage in the game, here are five things you can do which go beyond our staples:  Make a list of things you love to do. Choose one or more of the things on the list and do them – as often as you… View Article

111 Game Changer #534

Published on March 4, 2021 Written by

How do you change a conversation – with a person or in your head – from a mood of victimized to accountable?  A small word change may be the simplest form of shifting readily.  The next time you feel something is happening to you, repeat your story and insert the word “for” every time you’d use the… View Article

111 Time to Declutter #533

Published on March 3, 2021 Written by

“Clarity is the elimination of mental clutter.  Agility is the elimination of physical clutter.  Tranquility is the elimination of spiritual clutter.”  While pondering this James Clear quote, several things came to mind:  Clutter is a great way to describe all the waste in my mental, physical and spiritual space. It makes me want to eliminate… View Article

111 When You’re Ready #532

Published on March 2, 2021 Written by

Thank you Marshall Goldsmith for this timely tidbit on feedback.   Do you ever struggle with feedback? Me too.   Most days, I am open and willing to give and receive feedback. But some days, my ego is out of joint, fully engaged and feedback feels like criticism. Ever been there?  What can you do to maximize the opportunity… View Article

111 How to Make It Work #531

Published on March 1, 2021 Written by

I was connecting with a friend and colleague and during our discussion offered some feedback. I shared I hadn’t wanted to burden her with a request as she seemed busy because she hadn’t responded to prior emails.  She seemed taken aback and apologized, not wanting to project that image.  I could totally relate. When I’m truly executing to the max… View Article

111 Begin Where You Can #530

Published on February 26, 2021 Written by

You owe yourself one hour a day of self-maintenance. It can include reading, writing, yoga, exercise, dancing, meditation, painting, or whatever, but you owe it to yourself. One hour, 1/24 of your day.  That’s less than 5%.  It matters, it really does. Make it count.  At one point in my life, I read this and yet… View Article


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