Change your practices, change your life.
Sue delivers in-depth, interactive keynotes and workshops to assist leaders in solving challenges and creating sustainable solutions for themselves and their organizations.
Sue teaches people and their teams how to gracefully work through the tough stuff by creating unstoppable teams in high value, results-driven experiences. She works with leaders, managers, entrepreneurs and business owners who are committed to excellence for themselves and their organizations.
A great deal of practical, useful information in a short period of time. Sue’s enthusiasm is contagious. I enjoyed the session and learned a ton. – Jennifer Ziedler, Medtronic
YESS! 5-Star Success System

Learn more about each offering at the buttons below:
Leading U:
A Program for People Who Lead People
Join our Year-Long Leadership and Management Program. It’s time to become the leader your people deserve. We can help.

If you lead people, you understand they are the most important part of a business. It’s challenging to effectively lead and manage a team when everyone is unique, plus, leadership and management are different skills. Do you have both? How do you drive team and individual performance? How do you increase accountability, team health, and results? Our program is your solution.
“Focus on what you can do” from Sue Hawkes:
Part 1 – Business
Part 2 – Self-Care
Part 3 – Family & Home
Lisa Seward, Fallon
Jim Kelly, ThreeBridge Solutions
Laura Kelly Gorman, Keyot
– Michelle Hopewell, Dahl Consulting
Roy Yonashiro, Hawaii Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Carla Bainbridge, EO Global
Are You Running Your Business Or Is It Running You?
Leaders are introduced to a complete set of simple, practical tools to run a better business –the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)®.
During this workshop, participants gain Traction®, allowing them to do more of what they do best every day. Join the thousands of leadership teams already maximizing performance and achieving greatness in their businesses and lives. It’s time to get the most out of your business.
Chasing Perfection
Are you a leader who struggles with self-doubt or a CEO who sometimes feels like a fraud? If so, you are not alone.
Sue shares actionable practices to conquer self-doubt while maximizing your success, pulled from her new book, Chasing Perfection- Shatter the Illusion; Minimize Self-Doubt & Maximize Success. You’ll learn to stop chasing the illusion of perfection and eliminate the barriers to your full leadership potential.
Become Unf♥<kwithable®
When you’re truly at peace and in touch with yourself, when nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity or drama can touch you.
This is the mindset all high performers maintain and grow. Just like athletes, entrepreneurs and executives must show up every day ready to compete at the highest level; they do this by being strong mentally, physically and spiritually. Sue shares how discipline creates strength and resilience in business and life.
Results Guaranteed: Winning Strategies for Stress- Free Communication
Communication should be dynamic, not difficult.
The difference in people’s communication style creates unintended misunderstandings, leading to unresolved conflict & compromised performance. This high impact, interactive course gives you practical, simple solutions you can use immediately with ease.
Business and Executive Coaching
Coaching is a partnership that empowers you to have the experience and results you desire and design.
Coaching is one of the most effective means of bringing transformation and long-term excellence to both your personal and professional life. Your coach illuminates your blind spots, helps you see new possibilities and assists you in integrating new thoughts, language, practices and systems. An effective coaching partnership produces fulfillment as well as sustainable excellent performance.
Coaching for Effective Communication
Understand what it takes to make the most of a person’s capabilities and gain a foundation for effectiveness to apply immediately.
In this program you’ll learn what it takes to create trust so coaching results become constructive and significant. Find out how to intervene effectively while avoiding common pitfalls. Understand the critical distinctions between coaching, managing, therapy, training and mentoring and how each contributes to professional development. As a leader, create a more productive and accountable team and get the results you really want and need.
Getting Things Done
Learn all the tools you need to immediately be more effective.
In this talk you’ll learn how to plan your day by focusing on top priorities and doing what matters most first. Doing this allows you to start every day with success and become more effective with your time. Learn how to align your priorities and what you focus on to reduce stress and increase joy.
Becoming Unstoppable
How do you move from a team of leaders to a leadership team?
Successful companies are built by great people becoming great teams, creating great cultures in excellence together. But if teamwork is so important, why are there so many average and dysfunctional teams? Great teams don’t just happen. They’re built by strengthening relationships between team members – one interaction at a time. Explore five common team dysfunctions and ways to effectively resolve them.
Conquering Catastrophe
What do you do when the rug gets pulled from your life in a way you could not have prepared for?
As a leader, you have many people who are dependent on you, both personally and professionally. But what happens when you encounter a collision of life events which leaves you feeling as if you’ve got few options and nothing left to give? In this workshop, Sue shows you how to dig deep to create the energy, commitment, support and drive to move forward amidst overwhelming circumstances.
Conducting Crucial Conversations
How do you learn to successfully handle sensitive, difficult or uncomfortable conversations?
This course supports learning in how to think about, prepare for and ensure the listener is ready to have these conversations with you. Gain a level of comfort in having these challenging conversations, while demonstrating the positive effects once you’ve learned how to deliver this type of communication well.
The Economics of Trust
Building exceptional teams requires having the best people, not just the brightest.
Emotional intelligence (EQ) will make the difference. Another kind of “smarts,” it is the resilience to perform under pressure, the trust to build fruitful relationships, the courage to make decisions and the vision to create the future. EQ is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of energy, information, creativity, trust and connection. Study after study shows that high EQ consistently equates to exceptional leadership.
Foundations of Coaching in Business
Are you looking for the secret to accountability, excellence and ease with your team?
If you are a leader who is in a position to communicate the vision and strategy for your team and you need effective practices that will sustain performance, this program is for you. With our practical techniques in hand, you will be able to empower your team to achieve bigger goals with fewer resources. This program is team-oriented, practical, and designed to give you ease, excellence and accountability in working with your team.
Managing, Leading and Coaching
As a leader, it’s critical to focus on what’s most imperative to success and fulfillment.
Unfortunately, by ourselves, we can rarely see what’s holding us back or getting in the way. In this program you’ll learn to discover where you and your organization are limited and what you can do about it. Sue targets specific areas where most managers and leaders miss the mark, and will demonstrate specifically where you can improve working on the “people side” of your business.
Sue helps leaders and their teams gracefully work through the tough stuff.
Sue has over twenty five years of facilitation experience. She leads peer-learning round table discussions on a monthly and quarterly basis for WPO, and quarterly and annual offsites for her EOS® clients. Sue’s facilitation includes strategic planning, core values work, team health, family business mediation, and issues solving.