Test Page - Page 85 of 157 - YESS!

111 Producer or Consumer #628

Published on July 14, 2021 Written by

Are you a producer or a consumer?  It’s not a permanent assessment. We all fluctuate between the two.   It’s great as a business because we need both. Yet, have you considered this mindset in social situations? I have.  I tend to prefer to be a producer, especially when I’m with friends and family. I want to contribute, seek ways to bring… View Article

111 Your Standards #627

Published on July 13, 2021 Written by

I missed acknowledging my brother’s birthday on July 4th.   I recognized it on July 5th and felt terrible.  I promptly communicated, and while this is not the biggest error I’ve made, still didn’t feel great.  I was explaining this in a conversation and the other person offered that it was likely he’s forgotten my birthday in the past as well…. View Article

111 The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence #626

Published on July 12, 2021 Written by

When I think of excellence, it means something different for me. In fact, we all define what excellence means differently.  At work, excellence is a core value. In fact, we say it’s the “relentless pursuit of excellence” on our little team. It is the single most defining factor for who we attract and retain.  It’s made hiring more challenging, in fact, we’ve had a hard time finding… View Article

111 Don’t Drown In Oil #625

Published on July 9, 2021 Written by

Recently, I was at a conference and the speaker shared that data is “the new oil.” Are you drowning in data? While I appreciate our ability to measure more and more through automation, gathering analytics and deciphering what it all means to make better decisions, I also know the biggest and best run companies I… View Article

111 Before You Commit #624

Published on July 8, 2021 Written by

Is it a cost or an investment? When you think about spending money at home or in your business, what’s your mindset? For me, I look at anything with both lenses. Both sets of questions help us gather information. The question is which prompts your most effective results. Cost questions: 1. What other things can’t… View Article

111 The Second Way #623

Published on July 7, 2021 Written by

When you look ahead and see you’ve committed to a lot, maybe too much, do you recognize what that does to your thinking?  I do.  For me, what I notice is there is momentum toward stress created. It’s subtle at first, then it seeps into my thinking more consistently, which informs my feelings. They follow and grow into some… View Article

111 The Filter Might Be Clogged #622

Published on July 6, 2021 Written by

The greatest opportunity during communication is for miscommunication.  Read that again. I know I needed to.  Somehow, in my day to day, I forget regularly that it’s up to me (as the speaker) to ensure any person (whether an audience, a family member, a client or friend) understands what I mean.   I frequently refer to this reference… View Article

111 Doing Less Better #621

Published on July 5, 2021 Written by

I’ve had a hard time saying “no” much of my life.  Heck, my company is named YESS!, so I clearly have issues, right?  What I’ve noticed repeatedly with the most successful people around me is they do three things consistently well:  They say no more often. In other words, they are laser focused on what needs to be true of any opportunity for… View Article

111 There Is No Easy Way #620

Published on July 2, 2021 Written by

It’s all about the reps.  I was in a group meeting and one of the participants had detailed data behind how he had generated $250,000 this quarter. Everyone’s ears perked up. We all enjoy being seduced by great results.  When he said “wait, I’ll tell you exactly how I did that…” we all leaned in, thinking we’d hear… View Article

111 5 Questions For Competing Priorities #619

Published on July 1, 2021 Written by

We all have competing priorities happen. How do you decide what comes first when everything seems important?  Here is some criteria to help clarify, but remember, the best answer is to prepare, plan and bust up your own procrastination. Most of us believe there’s always more time. There is not.   Ask these 5 questions in any order when your priorities are… View Article


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