Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Becoming Crystal Clear #790

Published on February 25, 2022 Written by

Are you becoming the person you want to become?  The narrative around becoming the best version of yourself is ample these days. How do you get about it? It’s not a series of tactics changing behavior temporarily that empowers this.  You won’t read, listen, or watch the secrets to becoming whatever that is for you. … View Article

Happiness Today #789 

Published on February 24, 2022 Written by

Have you ever said, “when I have/reach______________ I’ll be happy (or successful or better)”?  If so, let me be the first to say there is no “there.”  You’re delaying your joy until some external event happens. Denial of today’s happiness is a great price to pay for the temporary happiness tomorrow brings.  The unspoken message… View Article

Do You Like What You Have? #788

Published on February 23, 2022 Written by

Our results are a product of what we do repeatedly; said another way, we are what we repeatedly do.  The power of this statement is worthy.  As I look at my business, relationships and life, it affords the opportunity to move.   The question is, are you excited, proud and thrilled with more of the same?  

Being Heard #787 

Published on February 22, 2022 Written by

How do you have your message received?  In our sessions, it’s been common for me to remind leaders that people need to hear things seven times to hear it the first time. This is to ensure we’re repeating ourselves as leaders because we all hear things in our own way in our own time. When… View Article

Trail Blazers and Game Changers #786 

Published on February 21, 2022 Written by

What if…  What if some of us are the trail blazers; willing to forge a path, push forward when it’s hard, and willing to see a course where there is none? Unwilling to bend or conform, strong, diplomatic enough to build bridges where there were walls, yet tough enough to make a door if the… View Article

Doing Nothing Is Something #785 

Published on February 18, 2022 Written by

Doing nothing is something.  As a chronic doer, I’ve never been very comfortable doing nothing.  I physically need to leave my home/environment to relax, or I’ll find at least a thousand things that need my attention. I understand this is a problem, undoing it is interesting.  Enter the pandemic; it’s been a great clarifier on… View Article

Let’s Begin #784 

Published on February 17, 2022 Written by

New beginnings are tricky at times.  As I’ve aged, I notice my history wants to inform what’s possible to a greater degree than I’d like it to.  One perspective offers a fresh start; there’s no script, I can trust fully it’s a new moment, and when I focus on that I am hopeful and optimistic…. View Article

The Lost Art of Vacationing #783 

Published on February 16, 2022 Written by

Vacation. It’s been a lost art for me until this week.  We’re on our first vacation in two years and it’s clear to me I’ve lost some skills to do it with ease.  As I awakened this morning, a wonderful realization hit my psyche. I don’t have to be anywhere any time soon. What a… View Article

Imagine That #782 

Published on February 15, 2022 Written by

I love working with leadership teams.   When I realize the privilege I have to create a safe space for them to be vulnerable, open, and honest about their challenges as they lead others, it’s truly humbling.  To lead often means you compartmentalize your insecurities to open a space for others to have confidence in an unprecedented… View Article

Share The Love #781 

Published on February 14, 2022 Written by

Valentine’s Day. Galentine’s Day. S.A.D. Day (Singles Awareness Day). It all commences on February 14th.   It’s my friend Cindy’s favorite holiday, and it’s any other day as well.  Despite its dark history, we know this day to be marked by flowers, chocolate, and trinkets expressing love for many. Hallmark reinterpreted it from the reinterpretation offered… View Article


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