Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Squishy Issues #27

Published on March 26, 2019 Written by

Squishy Issues? #27 Why tackle squishy issues like self-doubt? I was asked this question in an interview. First of all, I don’t think doubt is a squishy issue.  75-80% of successful people feel like imposters at times. It’s called Imposter syndrome and it’s a real thing. And if you are one of these people and… View Article

Losing Track of Time #26

Published on March 25, 2019 Written by

Losing Track of Time #26 Meditation is one of the practices most documented as imperative to becoming a great leader, so why do so many high producing, goal-oriented people struggle with it? It feels NON-productive, that’s why. Wellness expert Dan Miller was working with one of my groups and defined meditation by saying, “you are meditating… View Article

On BEing Human #25

Published on March 22, 2019 Written by

On BEing Human #25 Who are you? Minus what you do, what you produce, minus your title; who are you? It’s a big question; can you be still enough to answer it? Will you remain quiet, uncomfortable, and open to all that floods into your brain like a freight train out of control to sit… View Article

Avoiding a Destination You Weren’t Intending #24

Published on March 21, 2019 Written by

#24 – Avoiding a Destination you Weren’t Intending  When working with clients on setting goals and accomplishing them by chunking them down to manageable 90-day increments, I use stories and metaphors to make the point.  I often ask teams: “what portion of a plane trip is the plane “off track?” Guesses from leaders range in… View Article

#23 – Simple, Not Easy

Published on March 20, 2019 Written by

#23 Simple, Not Easy  Discipline. It’s not a popular subject. It often gets confused with punishment. It’s not at all the same.  In my mind, discipline is closest to commitment. The kind you make to do something even when it’s challenging; when it’s not convenient; when it’s unpopular; when you’d rather not.  It’s a rare thing to witness… View Article

#22 – The Things You’re Not Saying

Published on March 19, 2019 Written by

#22- The Things You’re Not Saying Frequently in my work with leaders and their leadership teams, I facilitate dialogues they are waiting to have. They may not always know it, but they are. The beauty of being an “outsider,” a consultant, someone paid to help them gracefully work through the tough stuff, is that you… View Article

#21 – Is It Time For a Change?

Published on March 18, 2019 Written by

#21 – Is It Time For a Change?  “If you choose the entrepreneurial life, then don’t become an employee in your own business…” – Dan Sullivan I recently had the honor of seeing Dan Sullivan at an EOS event I was attending. When he said the quote above I thought, that’s where every one of… View Article

#20 – Inspiration is Full Circle

Published on March 15, 2019 Written by

#20 Inspiration is Full Circle  It’s an amazing thing to realize you’ve made a difference when you were unaware. In fact, it’s one of the best experiences I can think of. Yesterday, a dear friend and fellow Certified EOS Implementer, Marisa Smith, sent me a video of her daughter, Charlotte singing a song. Her daughter… View Article

#19 – 20 Pounds in a 10 Pound Bag

Published on March 14, 2019 Written by

#19 – 20 Pounds in a 10 Pound Bag We’re busy people. We are goal setters and problem solvers and doers. These are my people. They run businesses and lead people. Sitting still is not something they do well unless truly fatigued. So how do we truly become content amidst all we’re accomplishing? My theory… View Article

#18 – Traveling in a Group

Published on March 13, 2019 Written by

#18 Traveling in a Group  It’s interesting to travel in groups. You laugh, learn and morph with the ebb and flow of people as you move from event to event – especially during a retreat.   You can learn a lot about yourself and others in the nooks and crannies of your experience, both directly and… View Article


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