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111 Still Having Problems? #668 

Published on September 8, 2021 Written by

Do you really need to learn new things?   I in a conversation with some people hiring us to present a keynote in a few months and they told me they’d heard all they needed to about one of our topics. We suggested another topic and they said they’d heard that as well.   After more discussion,… View Article

111 Avoiding The Answer #667 

Published on September 7, 2021 Written by

Don’t answer a question with a question.  Unless you’re seeking clarity, details and information to better answer what’s been asked, just don’t do it.  When you answer a question with another question, check in to see if you’re not answering because you don’t want to commit. In other words, are you avoiding offering a position,… View Article

111 The Devil and Labor Day #666 

Published on September 6, 2021 Written by

I can’t help it, even seeing this is blog #666 makes me think of the antichrist and the movie Damien: Omen II. (Yes, I’m dating myself when I say that!) So now that I’ve said it, I can move on.  I thought about writing a “normal” blog, but the number and my automatic response got in the way. Strange this… View Article

111 Thinking About Thinking #665 

Published on September 3, 2021 Written by

I was learning from Christopher Lochhead today and he said so many profoundly interruptive things to my preconditioned thinking I was left reeling – in a good way.  When someone comes along and metaphorically grabs you by the shoulders, looks you in the eyes and shakes you up by challenging you to think about your thinking (because… View Article

111 Middle of the Night Thoughts on Parenting #664 

Published on September 2, 2021 Written by

Middle of the Night Thoughts on Parenting #664  You’re only as happy as your saddest child.  Never have truer words been spoken. It’s hard to detach from your kid’s successes and challenges. When a lot is going on, it can result in lost sleep, tough conversations and overarchingly nagging thoughts.   Talking with people you know well, who… View Article

111 Will You? #663 

Published on September 1, 2021 Written by

The Buddha said, “In the end, only three things matter:   How much you loved  How gently you lived  How gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”  If I learned nothing else, this would lead to a more meaningful life contributing more fully to others over time.  I’m working on it.   Will you? 

111 Silence #662 

Published on August 31, 2021 Written by

Recently, I’ve been more intentionally spending time in silence.   Silence is a great way to listen to your internal dialog as it interrupts the space like a petulant child.   It’s also a great alternative when you don’t have a kind or thoughtful response for your audience at the moment.  I clearly need more practice with… View Article

111 Unplug #661 

Published on August 30, 2021 Written by

Unplug.  It’s vacation for me this week. Though I intend to unplug, I don’t always succeed.  As a small business owner, it’s rough to let go, unplug and truly let go. There are few of us and the demands are many.  What I realize is the more I let go, the more my team steps… View Article

111 Taking Responsibility #660 

Published on August 27, 2021 Written by

“What if no one has ever broken your heart, but they broke your expectations. What if when they broke your expectations, they helped you get closer to your heart.” Kyle Cease  I ran across this quote, and it made me pause.   Really, this is all that ever happens with regard to our expectations.   It could… View Article

111 It Could Work Like This #659 

Published on August 26, 2021 Written by

Handling conflict. It’s not a pleasant thought. When things happen, and they go poorly, what we do and don’t do determines the lasting reality.  Yesterday, we had a delivery to our house go poorly. We have a sign at the top of our long driveway saying “please no large trucks.” Neglecting to see the sign, the delivery… View Article


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