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111 Perfection Never Worked Anyway #774 

Published on February 3, 2022 Written by

New year, new you.   We’ve all heard it before, is it really?  I don’t think so.  When we pause to realize we’re in charge of what’s possible every day of the year, it takes pressure off resolutions, perfection, and the challenges to be something we may not currently (or ever) be.  It’s that time when… View Article

111 In Memory of Thich Nhat Hanh #773 

Published on February 2, 2022 Written by

“This body is not me,   I am not limited by this body.  I am life without boundaries.   I have never been born, and I have never died.  Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars,  manifestations from my wondrous true mind.  Since before time, I have been free.  Birth and death are only… View Article

111 What Did You Hear? #772 

Published on February 1, 2022 Written by

When someone is feeling attacked, all listening ceases.  Regardless of what’s being said, nothing is going in.  What do you do?  You have to stop and check in. Until the person comes clean and shares what’s going on for them, nothing will happen.   Nothing.  Regardless of the timing, agenda, subject or deadline. It’s all stopped. … View Article

111 We’ll See #771 

Published on January 31, 2022 Written by

Practicing is a lost art.  In a world of instant gratification, many have forgotten the value of practicing.  Being a beginner, feeling frustration with what seems like a vast divide between where you are and where you want to be.  The benefit of doing the work without immediate gratification, trusting the process, and believing in… View Article

111 Time To Play #770 

Published on January 28, 2022 Written by

When you catch yourself, it’s hard not to judge.  Today I woke up for the first time in a long time with nothing pressing me for my attention. When I say that, I’m referring to work. Meaning, I’m current. What?…  When I started imagining what Kevin and I could do with our day, thoughts of cross-country… View Article

111 It’s All a Gift #769 

Published on January 27, 2022 Written by

As I contemplate what works for me, incrementally I see gains and who I am shifts with the new practices I embody.  Small things add up to big things.   As cliché as it sounds, I am present to the gift each day is right now. It’s a cliché I see those diagnosed with terminal illness… View Article

111 Stop Waiting #768 

Published on January 26, 2022 Written by

Figuring out your rhythm is key.  During these changing days of a pandemic, it’s challenged me to look at my practices beyond the readily available options.  As I realize the impact of travel, “making things work” (my version of overscheduling), staying focused on my goals (and at times losing sight of the journey), paying attention… View Article

111 In Our PRIME #767 

Published on January 25, 2022 Written by

Incremental improvement.   I write about it often because until my life went off the rails years ago, I was a big believer in setting great big goals and going for it.  Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in setting big goals, but my love of the goals has shifted to falling in love with… View Article

111 Time To Reconsider #766 

Published on January 24, 2022 Written by

How do you find the ideas that matter most?  You have to have thinking time. It’s one of my big commitments in 2022.   Intentionally setting time to combine the ideas that matter most and connecting them in ways that are both actionable and new offers new opportunities everywhere.  Too often, we settle for top of… View Article

111 Aligning Voices #765 

Published on January 21, 2022 Written by

It’s amazing how good it feels to be part of a team.   Today I had a true sense of shared accountability and support as we all grappled with how to solve the roadblocks we were facing.   I didn’t have to push it, those around me stepped up.   I participated fully, though I didn’t have to… View Article


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