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111 Gaining Perspective On 2020 #459

Published on November 19, 2020 Written by

Do you have perspective on your thinking?  One of the most effective ways to gain clarity is to journal. When you do so, you pour your thinking onto a piece of paper and have the ability to observe yourself and your thinking in a way no other practice offers.   There are all kinds of roadblocks that arise… View Article

111 Suffering Is a Choice #458

Published on November 18, 2020 Written by

How are you thinking of this holiday season? Is it better, worse or the same?  As many of you know, I’m focused and intent on making this year special regardless of circumstance. What I’ve determined is I need to be different with regard to what our traditions mean. It can’t and won’t look the same for our family.   That is not… View Article

111 Finish Strong, Begin Again #457

Published on November 17, 2020 Written by

It’s amazing to recognize stress leaving your body. When it’s visceral, and when shared with others it’s as if there’s a collective sense of relief, as if you’ve been waiting to exhale.  Following an experience like this, there is space.   Space to create, realign, envision the future and heal.  2020 has been a challenging year to say the least.  … View Article

111 Who Are They Working For? #456

Published on November 16, 2020 Written by

Think about it. As our world has evolved, we have to be better in new ways.  Working in a more delivery-based world, what I’ve found is service and follow through are at the top of my list.  One of my favorite places to purchase clothing recently sent my purchase to an old address…twice. I’ve ordered from them and fixed my address… View Article

111 Celebrating The Good Days #455

Published on November 13, 2020 Written by

Do you ever have sleepless nights? Me too, only not all of them are bad.  I awoke early one day last week and decided I should arise rather than try to return to sleep, it just wasn’t working. I wasn’t terribly restless, just done sleeping.   It happens that way when you get the right amounts of what you need,… View Article

111 Appreciation in 2020 #454

Published on November 12, 2020 Written by

Appreciation. Many of us forget to express it often enough.  For some, it’s a first-class love language, for others it’s the difference in mood for the day.  How often do you think of how much you appreciate a gesture, an effort, a kind thought or act and you don’t say something in the moment, you keep it to… View Article

111 If We Act Upon It #453

Published on November 11, 2020 Written by

Sometimes, the right question finds you at the right time.   As I was reading through some of my journal notes, I found myself learning and re-learning some magnificent lessons. When you’re up early and you have this divine space and time where no one needs you, the day hasn’t begun for the world, and there is… View Article

111 Let’s Practice #452

Published on November 10, 2020 Written by

Don’t open your mouth in a state of anxiety.  Seems simple, right? Well, not for some of us.  When I’ve done this, it’s only misfired 100% of the time. How about you?  Learning to hit a pause button in my mind before my mouth automatically takes off is a practice I’m working on. I need to be better.   This year… View Article

111 Yet #451

Published on November 9, 2020 Written by

Goals. They’ve seemed more challenging to envision this year, haven’t they?  When uncertainty prevails, we default to paralysis. We wait, hoping for certainty, familiarity and what we “knew” to be true. Funny thing is, it wasn’t true, it was predictable.   Truth be told, predictability will fail you. When any of us gets too comfortable, we settle. Settling leads to… View Article

111 45% To Goal #450

Published on November 6, 2020 Written by

45%. I’m close to halfway and haven’t missed a day, and that is a celebration for me – I’m feeling confident about reaching 1,000 daily blog posts. For those of you playing along, I check in every 50 posts to take a macro look and document what I’m learning in this process. I took Seth Godin’s challenge from this blog post: https://seths.blog/2018/10/the-first-1000-are-the-most-difficult/.   2020 has provided many opportunities to… View Article


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