Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

No Secondary Audiences #820 

Published on April 8, 2022 Written by

One of the challenges we’re facing is the return to work.  Some businesses are already establishing their norms, others are wrestling with it. As I offered in a recent keynote, regardless of your approach, no audience can be secondary.  We must be intentional about how we return, how we learn, lead, and connect.  This means… View Article

Another Way of Saying It #819 

Published on April 7, 2022 Written by

Chutzpah.   I used this word a few blogs ago.   I love it.   The definition: Supreme Self-Confidence. What’s not to love?  Where do you have chutzpah? Where do you lack it?   What practices help you find it when you’re off track?   It’s a great word explaining what it means to be aligned with your best self,… View Article

Music For the Soul #818 

Published on April 6, 2022 Written by

I went to see a local band recently and went with Kevin (my husband), Ali (my daughter), some friends from Kevin’s work, and my BFF Lisa (from age 4) and her husband Mark.   To say it was fun would be to diminish the joy we had.  Lisa and I attended many concerts together, including too… View Article

Looking For a Problem to Solve? #817 

Published on April 5, 2022 Written by

Are you a fixer?  I am and have been. In my life I’ve looked at people, situations, teams, my work and my relationships as problems to be solved.   Guess what?   As long as that’s how I approach what’s happening, everything is a problem waiting to be solved. This is great for my ego, my identity,… View Article

Tired of Leading? Try This #816 

Published on April 4, 2022 Written by

Recently, when doing a talk with a group of phenomenal female leaders we entered into a conversation about being tired of leading. The kind of tired when it feels like everyone depends on you from anything like answers to motivation, plate juggling and inspiration to boot.  As we explored the conversation further, we all recognized… View Article

One Question to Simplify Chaos #815 

Published on April 1, 2022 Written by

When things get overwhelming, simplify.  You can easily lose time, energy and momentum because you’re swept up in all the things that could or are happening.  The best thing to do is to pause, step back with a wide-angle view of things, and do one thing which will have maximum impact first.   You can’t do… View Article

10 Steps to Having More Free Time #814 

Published on March 31, 2022 Written by

When I want to be efficient and focused with limited time, I hack myself – here’s how:  Write down what MUST be done  Write down how much time you have  Decide it can all be done (or rescope if you tend to put 20 pounds in a 10-pound bag)  Assign an amount of time to… View Article

Move #813 

Published on March 30, 2022 Written by

When you find yourself lacking energy, move.   In all ways, feeling stuck or stagnant is your body’s way of incenting you to do something different whether that’s mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, or otherwise.  It can be deceptively engaging to stay complacent, hunker down, or isolate which can become a reinforcement of the lack of… View Article

Seeking Alternatives #812 

Published on March 29, 2022 Written by

I don’t like being told what to do. In fact, I have a visceral reaction when I feel like someone is offering the “only” option and there are others available to me.  When I take a breath and evaluate, it prompts me to action. The kind of action which expands my options, possibilities, and choices…. View Article

Choose #811 

Published on March 28, 2022 Written by

Choice is a big deal.  When it appears we have none, it’s still a choice to do nothing.  When you do nothing, you’ve made a choice.  People can feel victimized when they do nothing, and something happens. It’s usually the something they wish didn’t happen.  It happens because they did nothing, which is a choice,… View Article


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