Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

90% To Goal (900/1,000) #900 

Published on July 29, 2022 Written by

Thank you for playing along, this is the summary blog I write every 50 posts sharing my lessons while writing a blog every day in my journey to 1,000. This began when I accepted Seth Godin’s challenge from this blog post.   Again, certain random numbers matter more to me. 90% is a milestone that means I… View Article

Transformation #899 

Published on July 28, 2022 Written by

In the quiet still of the morning, everything seems possible.  Hope is visceral, the day is new again.  Peace envelops you.  Within the stillness, the birds converse, the sun greets you, and the sparkling water dances with joy.  When you unplug from the busyness, there is only space.  When you pause, breathe, and embrace the… View Article

Whiplash #898 

Published on July 27, 2022 Written by

Are you tired of how hard things feel?  Does it seem like work is changing again?  It appears things are chaotic for many. There is a rise in unrest (again), uncertainty surrounding us, and it feels like an abrupt intersection with the relaxed pace of summer.  Many people are talking about the whiplash they’re feeling returning… View Article

Another Level of Freedom #897 

Published on July 26, 2022 Written by

I knew the minute he suggested it, I needed to do it, but I was afraid and unready.  Shortly after I became an EOS Implementer, Gino Wickman told me he didn’t email. It was a great idea conceptually, but how would I ever do that.   As the years have passed, and I’ve witnessed how he… View Article

Now or Later #896 

Published on July 25, 2022 Written by

This week, I went to see a nutritionist.   As I’ve noticed changes in my body, I’ve learned to seek new resources to learn more. Along with a fairly clean diet and exercise, this new activity has opened my eyes.  Alicia serves as more of a coach and mad scientist for me.   Though I’ve only seen… View Article

Do You Have a Vacation Process? #895 

Published on July 22, 2022 Written by

Anticipating the return to work after vacation. Ugh.  It can produce stress, regret, and anxiety for many of us.   Learning how to ease into and out of vacation is an art. Consider this:  Schedule only a ½ day the day before and after your first day back (a full day is even better!)  Block your… View Article

4 Steps to Solving Issues #894 

Published on July 21, 2022 Written by

Do you want solutions?   In sessions, I’ll be coaching a team while solving issues and they’ll stray from the topic at hand. They’ll dive into multiple competing discussions piling onto the issue while wasting precious time circling the issue, afraid to say what’s really at the core of it all.  A simple process clears this… View Article

The Enemy of Done #893 

Published on July 20, 2022 Written by

When things are meant to be, there is an ease to it all.  Sometimes, I forget this and whether by habit or stubbornness, I get attached to how I think it’s supposed to happen.  There’s the challenge.  When I attach myself to how, it often leads to frustration, irritation, disappointment, and perceived problems.  When I… View Article

Bittersweet Return #892 

Published on July 19, 2022 Written by

The summer in Minnesota offers the best of family, food, and festivities.  We have the joy of lake time. Where life slows, relaxation wraps its gentle arms around you and your mind, body and spirit can reset and renew.  For me, the balance of family, friends, fun and relaxation is most available over the Fourth… View Article

Second Chances #891 

Published on July 18, 2022 Written by

Years ago, we were in Colorado with our family on vacation. We planned some epic events including paragliding off Aspen Mountain, attending Wanderlust and white-water rafting to name a few.   The paragliding adventure was to make up for a two-time missed opportunity in years prior because I hadn’t done so when there previously. Of course,… View Article


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