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111 Give It Space #489

Published on December 31, 2020 Written by

The enemy of connection is distraction. Do you agree? I do.  What can you do to delete, diminish, or discontinue the amount of distraction you allow or create?  Whether in a pandemic, on a screen, in person with devices chiming in, busy multitasking or any number of other things which can limit, alter, or seize… View Article

111 The Door Is Open #488

Published on December 30, 2020 Written by

Curiosity. It’s the doorway to your greatest opportunities.  Are you willing to be more curious than certain relative to what’s possible for you, your business and your life?   If so, ask questions, listen, be willing to have your thinking and certainty undone.  The key to transforming the reality you’re experiencing is to ask new questions. If you want a new experience,… View Article

111 Our Memories Are Short #487

Published on December 29, 2020 Written by

I’m looking back at 2020 with wonder and curiosity. Are you?  When I think of this year most people tired with all it’s twists, turns, losses, challenges and opportunities, I am filled with gratitude. There was no way to be a bystander this year.  2020 demanded more of all of us than most years ever will. Will you… View Article

111 Take Your Own Medicine #486

Published on December 28, 2020 Written by

Taking a break is healthy. No, really it is.   If you’re like me and have to remind yourself of this from time to time, know we are kindred spirits.  The blogs will be short this week… you know why? I’m reflecting and taking a break! Really.  When you commit yourself to Intentional Greatness®, it means you have to take your own… View Article

111 Sending Love #485

Published on December 25, 2020 Written by

“Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.” Ruth Carter Stapleton  Sending you love from my heart today and always.   Sue 

111 Tell Them #484

Published on December 24, 2020 Written by

Love notes. They are an art and a gift.   One of the sweetest presents I received when I married my husband 5 years ago came from my best friend. She handed me a card and it forever changed how I looked at post-its.   In her congratulatory card, she included a gold sharpie pen, a square… View Article

111 Appreciation Game #483

Published on December 23, 2020 Written by

Thank you. To those who read this blog consistently and share it, those who take the time to give a comment or thumbs up, and those who call, text, email and let me know it mattered.  Writing is a funny thing. For me, I feel vulnerable when writing in a way other actions do not… View Article

111 Patience not Patients #482

Published on December 22, 2020 Written by

In a year when nothing is “normal” and we’re all waiting for 2020 to become 2021, please remember today is what we have. I end my podcasts and my autoresponder with “make today great, it’s the only day you’ve got…”   We’re in the crunch time of the pandemic, and I’ve been in many conversations hearing people sharing how… View Article

111 Let’s Connect #481

Published on December 21, 2020 Written by

Here’s a helpful analogy from Yale Professor, Nicholas Christakis: If you take a group of carbon atoms and connect them one way, you get graphite, which is soft and dark and perfect for making pencils. But if you take the same carbon atoms and connect them another way, you get a diamond, which is hard and clear and… View Article

111 Gifts #480

Published on December 18, 2020 Written by

This year, what are the gifts you’re celebrating? What are the gifts you’re offering? Is it just me, or do the gifts seem to be more relative to spending meaningful time online or in person where possible? This year, with all its challenges, difficulties, twists and turns has also proven to be the interruption many of us needed.  As I ponder… View Article


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