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111 Say It Out Loud #549

Published on March 25, 2021 Written by

Have you ever struggled to begin something or try something new? Me too.   And the journey to the starting line can feel like a marathon if you stay trapped between your ears.  One solution for this … tell someone.  Yup. It’s that simple.   Say it out loud to someone, maybe even more than one someone.  I did this recently as… View Article

111 Make My Day #548

Published on March 24, 2021 Written by

Do you get excited when you receive an unexpected gift?   Me TOO!  When someone takes the time to listen, hear what you enjoy, are interested in, care about and appreciate and they unexpectedly send a package with a little something to cheer you up and make your day, it does just that.   It’s one of the ways… View Article

111 Begin Today #547

Published on March 23, 2021 Written by

When you look at the results you have in your life, what do you see?  Do you see a masterpiece? A work of art worthy of your time calling you to leap out of bed in the morning and pushing you to extend your days as late as possible not wanting to miss a single minute… View Article

111 A Permission Slip To Feel #546

Published on March 22, 2021 Written by

I found this quote today and had to share it as it felt like a permission slip to feel.  As I listen and share with others as we emerge into the next stages of our pandemic lives, I can’t help but hear, feel, and see the layers of grief.  Even in the most successful of lives, it’s been a challenge.  Remembering to… View Article

111 Burned Out? Try This. #545

Published on March 19, 2021 Written by

When something shows up repeatedly in my world, I realize quickly it’s a message, not a random event. I treat feedback the same way. Instead of reacting to each message and questioning myself, I’ve learned to seek patterns – both working and not working.  This pattern recently showed itself: do you need help with burn out, stress and the emergence… View Article

111 Believe Them #544

Published on March 18, 2021 Written by

I recently did an exercise which was insightful and validating.   I asked several people to describe me in three words.  It wasn’t for my ego, though it served to assuage that as well, so if it helps, try it.  It was to see how my self-perception aligned with others in my circle.  The simple punch line was… View Article

111 Making the Invisible Visible #543

Published on March 17, 2021 Written by

Everybody leans on leaders.   Do you ever feel like you’re the shock absorber for those around you? I know I do.   You buffer things, are a sounding board, are the Voice of Reason and helper to those around you who may need a confidential source to confide in when things are chaotic, or you can’t talk with much of anyone about what’s happening in your world. … View Article

111 Really, How Are You? #542

Published on March 16, 2021 Written by

Since March of 2020,we’ve been pretty uncertain about a lot of things.   And really, that’s the way that it’s been, it’s just in the front seat of the car right now.   Normally we can fool ourselves and say, oh I know what’s going to happen – when we really don’t know.   We want to believe we know what’s coming, and we have predictability. … View Article

111 Today Is Hers #541

Published on March 15, 2021 Written by

Birthdays: they change over time.  When you’re young, you can’t wait for them. It’s a day all about you, celebrating who you are and potentially offering rewards and attention.  You reach your milestone birthdays and celebrate what the world recognizes that age/stage means. Sometimes there are rituals, regrets and too much celebrating equates to a recognition you’re older, maybe not wiser.  As I’ve aged,… View Article

111 Speak It Until You See It #540

Published on March 12, 2021 Written by

“Speak what you seek until you see what you said.”   I heard this quote during a two-day event I was attending. Though the concept isn’t new, it certainly simplified how clear we each need to be when declaring our potential future.  You must believe it to see it. It’s not the other way around.  If you don’t believe it, it can’t and won’t happen.  … View Article


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