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111 My People #608

Published on June 16, 2021 Written by

This one needs no explaining. It is a well written summary of what it means to be an entrepreneur. If this describes you, you are my people and you make sense to me.  Thank you for your grace and patience with me (us). Remember, we love to help people and solve problems…and we’re a little goofy, but… View Article

111 Patience And Progress #607

Published on June 15, 2021 Written by

The above quote from Sargent Johnny Joey Jones is poignant and reminds me to remember to check myself.  It’s easy to ask what appears to be an “innocent” or “well intended” question when it’s loaded with bias, unintentional hurt or ignorance.  Learning to slow down, check in and realize that unexamined questions without the background of… View Article

111 Intention And Attention #606

Published on June 14, 2021 Written by

Intention and attention both contribute to attaining results, but one of them will offer more likelihood of success.  When the lack of results is the result, people offer up stories, reasons, excuses, justifications, and explanations to justify the lack. They also share what their intention was when they offered their commitment.  That’s where it all falls apart.  … View Article

111 The Mirror Didn’t Change #605

Published on June 11, 2021 Written by

Never speak badly about yourself.  As I was working out, I noticed my inner voice criticizing my aging body, its flaws, and those things it can and can’t do relative to other people.  It’s not an uncommon conversation.  While we were exercising, the person I was working out with described her wedding dress and showed me photos. She is getting married this… View Article

111 Want Clarity? #604

Published on June 10, 2021 Written by

Say exactly what you mean.   There’s a concept! It’s very non-Midwestern.   You won’t always be popular or please people, but you will be clear.   You’ll also find the world around you (people, opportunities, events and rewards) will amplify.  Too often, when trying to please others or deliver the message you think others want to hear instead of saying exactly what you mean in a kind… View Article

111 Trust Your Gut #603

Published on June 9, 2021 Written by

We’ve all heard the phrase “if it feels wrong, don’t do it.”   The question is, can you catch yourself as you’re feeling “wrong?” Too often, I hear people express regret because they knew better.  I had this happen recently as we had two events on the same day. I declined one, thinking we’d be happier not rushing around to accommodate… View Article

111 My Work Is A Daily Gift #602

Published on June 8, 2021 Written by

Great lessons find their way to me in everyday life. Some come from simple Pinterest quotes or what might appear to be otherwise dismissible platitudes.   This week I had the gift of working back-to-back sessions facilitating the same purpose work with three clients who I am both a client of and facilitator for. When I say it… View Article

111 The Interruption I (We) Needed #601

Published on June 7, 2021 Written by

It’s been a few weeks of no masks in our corner of the world. It’s as if nothing’s ever been different, except it is.   We’re savoring it.  We’re present for it.  We’re enjoying it.  Because we’re 100% right where we are.   It’s so great to hug and laugh and be with people.   Thank you for the interruption I (we) needed to be present and… View Article

111 60% To Goal #600

Published on June 4, 2021 Written by

For those of you playing along, I write a summary every 50 posts to acknowledge my lessons while writing a blog every day in my journey to 1,000. I’m learning throughout the process and right now, I’m not loving it. This all began when I accepted Seth Godin’s challenge from this blog post.   Perhaps it’s the pace I run at, perhaps it’s the advent of great weather and sunshine in… View Article

111 Comfortable Being Uncomfortable #599

Published on June 3, 2021 Written by

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable” is a healthy guideline for participation in our session rooms. It’s a way of working together that facilitates greatness when fully embraced by the people in the room. No matter how many times I walk teams through this, I’m surprised at how it frees leaders up and grants permission to say… View Article


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