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111 Imagine That #782 

Published on February 15, 2022 Written by

I love working with leadership teams.   When I realize the privilege I have to create a safe space for them to be vulnerable, open, and honest about their challenges as they lead others, it’s truly humbling.  To lead often means you compartmentalize your insecurities to open a space for others to have confidence in an unprecedented… View Article

111 Share The Love #781 

Published on February 14, 2022 Written by

Valentine’s Day. Galentine’s Day. S.A.D. Day (Singles Awareness Day). It all commences on February 14th.   It’s my friend Cindy’s favorite holiday, and it’s any other day as well.  Despite its dark history, we know this day to be marked by flowers, chocolate, and trinkets expressing love for many. Hallmark reinterpreted it from the reinterpretation offered… View Article

111 Trust #780

Published on February 11, 2022 Written by

When someone finds you, pay attention.  In a noisy world, it’s easy to dismiss what could be an incredible connection, simply because we’re moving too fast and not present to what’s happening.  However, when it’s meant to be (yess, I mean in that woo woo sort of way), you can’t avoid the connection.  There is… View Article

111 From The Inside Out #779 

Published on February 10, 2022 Written by

I have a favorite tee shirt. I found it last year and it’s become my theme shirt.  It says, “Be YOU, they’ll adjust.”   I’ve purchased a few for important people in my life, and whenever I wear it, people comment, stop me, and ask where I got it.   I think many of us are fatigued… View Article

111 The Doorway to What’s Possible #778 

Published on February 9, 2022 Written by

Sometimes I can’t sleep.  Thankfully it’s infrequent enough I’ve been able to manage well around it. In fact, some of my most productive days have begun at 3 or 4 am.  What’s clarified in the middle of the night when all is still, is a different connection to the world beyond for me. I feel… View Article

111 The “F” Word We Need Right Now #777 

Published on February 8, 2022 Written by

Time for fun.  Right now, I’m aware of the two years I’ve spent helping people and solving problems.  I’m not unique.  You’ve done the same and I know.  How can we prioritize fun and recreation?  Fun. Yes, that word.   Frivolous, life renewing activity with other people enjoying time away from the responsibilities tugging at us. … View Article

111 A One Minute Gift (Please Read to the End) #776

Published on February 7, 2022 Written by

Hello all. Today is my 57th Birthday. I’m inviting you to a Giving Game where we all win. I’m grateful for every day I have the fortune of waking up healthy, happy, and connected. I haven’t always said that. Thank you to every person (YOU) who takes the time to read and connect. I have… View Article

111 How Can We Help Each Other? #775

Published on February 4, 2022 Written by

Focus.   Easier said than done right now.  Talent, supply chain, people dealing with illness for themselves and their kids, people unable to show up for work for one reason or another.  It’s a bummer or worse.   Breathe. Simplify and trust your gut.   We’ll get through this.   How can we help each other? 

111 Perfection Never Worked Anyway #774 

Published on February 3, 2022 Written by

New year, new you.   We’ve all heard it before, is it really?  I don’t think so.  When we pause to realize we’re in charge of what’s possible every day of the year, it takes pressure off resolutions, perfection, and the challenges to be something we may not currently (or ever) be.  It’s that time when… View Article

111 In Memory of Thich Nhat Hanh #773 

Published on February 2, 2022 Written by

“This body is not me,   I am not limited by this body.  I am life without boundaries.   I have never been born, and I have never died.  Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars,  manifestations from my wondrous true mind.  Since before time, I have been free.  Birth and death are only… View Article


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