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111 The Gift of Time

Published on December 12, 2016 Written by

Client Highlight: Carla Anderson of C. Anderson Associates  There are many ways to be generous. We’re all likely to receive a number of gift cards, gift baskets and delectable treats delivered to our offices. All are appreciated – it shows the person or company thought of you and wanted to show their gratitude for the… View Article

111 Reflect All Year with a Clarity Break™

Published on December 11, 2016 Written by

As another year rushes to a close, most of us feel compelled to reflect and take stock of the year. We’ll ask ourselves things like, what did I accomplish? What did I contribute? What did I learn? What is unfinished? While these reflections are timely, waiting until year-end provides a last minute, rearview mirror look… View Article

111 Bigger Vision for the Future

Published on November 29, 2016 Written by

When I decided to feature my friend, former EOS client and WPO colleague Julie Allinson, Founder and President of eyebobs, I knew I was in for a laugh. Never one to disappoint, Julie did have a few of her famous one-liners but also opened up about growing eyebobs, selling part of the business, and now letting… View Article

111 Today I Will Start With Gratitude

Published on November 22, 2016 Written by

This morning, I was fully present to the sunrise. I don’t mean just observing the great colors, or simply noticing how the rolling clouds seemed almost artificial in their picturesque arrangement. In and of itself, the sunrise was spectacular, but today I was present in a way that, in a breath, everything else was magically… View Article

111 Happy Thanksgiving!

Published on November 22, 2016 Written by

Happy Thanksgiving! During this season of gratitude we want to take a few moments and thank you for your partnership. We sincerely value our relationship with you and the opportunity that allows us to create a better life for our collective clients, employees, families and communities. “In Chinese, the word ‘business’ means to help each… View Article

111 Listening For & Using Intuitive Data

Published on November 15, 2016 Written by

We all know the value of hard data, how numbers and measurables can help keep emotions, opinions and subjectivity out of things. Hard data can help us make reasoned, logical decisions. It isn’t, however, the only kind of data. The other important kind is intuitive data, which some of you may know as gut instinct…. View Article

111 Bolts, Booze and Bullets

Published on November 1, 2016 Written by

Meg Thoreson truly does it all. As both the owner of Solon Springs Mercantile and an employee of the Entrepreneur Fund, Meg brings a passion for small business development wherever she goes. I was excited to interview her for my “Inspiring Women” column in Minnesota Business magazine because I can’t imagine being an entrepreneur and… View Article

222 Say YESS!

Published on October 21, 2016 12:40 pm Written by

See what our clients have to say about YESS! Thank you to Ladd Films for capturing the voices of our clients.

111 YESS! Newsletter October 2016

Published on October 15, 2016 Written by

Our World is Crazy, Your Business Doesn’t Need to Be In Minnesota, we’re blessed with the beauty of Autumn, crisp air at night, fall colors and a winning football team in a new stadium. Contrast that with the noise of our current election and the challenges it presents as we encourage everyone to get out… View Article

111 Clarity after Their Quarterly: 90 Day Pulse Keeps Antenna on Track

Published on October 9, 2016 Written by

Do you and your leadership team ever get bored with your goals? Do you start to feel disconnected from your vision and become overwhelmed by issues you know you need to address? If you do, this is “normal”- it happens in every business. EOS founder Gino Wickman recognized that teams begin to fray every 90… View Article


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