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111 Time to Make Some Changes #399

Published on August 27, 2020 Written by

You’ll get what you tolerate.   At a recent QCE (Quarterly Collaborative Exchange) meeting for EOS, several people referred to this concept. There are many people this quote is attributed to including Mike Ditka and Henry Cloud.  When you consider it literally, it renders you entirely responsible for how people treat you. Freedom resides in this kind of responsibility. … View Article

111 Seven Simple Steps to Happiness #398

Published on August 26, 2020 Written by

It seems as if people are searching for what they can do to affect change these days.   I have these 7 Steps to Happiness printed from @happinessinyourlife.com and they seem to be a terrific beginning for us all:  Think less. Feel more.  Frown less. Smile more.  Talk less. Listen more.  Judge less. Accept more.  Watch less. Do… View Article

111 A Hybrid Approach #397

Published on August 25, 2020 Written by

What if your current work situation held through the end of 2021?  That’s how I’m thinking these days.   When I consider what would offer more possibilities for optimal options for our clients as well as opportunities to work from home, many possibilities exist to maximize success for our clients, team and each other.  We are investigating redesigning our… View Article

111 Time For a New Mindset #396

Published on August 24, 2020 Written by

How much time do you need?  What if you began every endeavor with this question? Without knowing the details or being able to assess what you believe is a reasonable amount of time, how would that change the amount of time you’d allow for certain activities?  When I used to work with leadership teams, I asked this question… View Article

111 The Perfect Message At The Perfect Time #395

Published on August 21, 2020 Written by

@FredStokes is a Superbowl champion, an entrepreneur, a gifted speaker and an incredible human. Thanks to @ChrisWhite, he’s also my friend.  One of the many gifts of learning from a diverse group of people over the course of my career has been the synthesizing of messages. You know the saying “when the student is ready the teacher appears?”  Fred… View Article

111 There’s a Chance #394

Published on August 20, 2020 Written by

There’s a Chance #394  Sometimes you read the perfect book at the perfect time. I have done so twice.   I read Eat, Pray, Love by @ElizabethGilbert while I was going through my divorce and wow, did I feel like she was talking only to me. Clearly, she wasn’t as she is a profoundly gifted author who writes in a way… View Article

111 Priorities Ablaze #393

Published on August 19, 2020 Written by

Priorities Ablaze   I love music. So does my husband, Kevin. We can spend hours listening to music of all genres. It’s even better if we’re toodling along on our pontoon enjoying the moments.   Some of our ventures include one hit wonders, trips down memory lane or we play the “music game” with friends and family as we each choose a song to share… View Article

111 The Storm is Coming #392

Published on August 18, 2020 Written by

We had some extreme storms recently. It was an extensive light show lasting throughout the night with some of the storms producing hail. There was minimal damage where we were, others weren’t as fortunate. Prior to the storms, the humidity and dew point were extreme. In Minnesota, this means you walk outside and feel like… View Article

111 Gifts Amidst The Flops #391

Published on August 17, 2020 Written by

Failure is the fastest and most permanent teacher.  I found out it was National chocolate chip cookie day (there really is a holiday for everything) and my husband loves cookies. Chocolate chip cookies are one of his favorites. So, I found this link to the top recipes in my favorite daily read, The Morning Brew.   As I was approaching… View Article

111 Time To Transition #390

Published on August 14, 2020 Written by

Transition time. Do you miss it? Do you notice it’s gone?  Another blurred line for many people is the time traveling to work, returning home, going to get lunch, walking to meetings, traveling to and from kids’ events, even going to the grocery store for many people.  If you’re someone who travels from your office to your kitchen for… View Article


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