Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Drucker, NCIS and Solving Problems #870 

Published on June 17, 2022 Written by

Peter Drucker said “most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.”  When Kevin and I watch NCIS, we make guesses as to who the murderer is every time. When we get it right, we’re usually asking the better questions based on… View Article

9 Steps to Break Writer’s Block for Good #869 

Published on June 16, 2022 Written by

Do you struggle with Clarity Breaks™? Do you make time to write, journal or blog? If not, this is for you.  Let me be specific, do you find it challenging to make time to consistently think for an hour or two every week?  I used to, until I realized how much better it makes me…. View Article

What Can I Do Today? #868 

Published on June 15, 2022 Written by

Sometimes, I look at the state of our world and I feel helpless to change it.  When I see some of the realities we’re dealing with and recognize that basic safety and the opportunity to love freely are compromised disproportionately for many, specifically here in the US, I seek wisdom from history. I also recognize… View Article

Inspiration is Everywhere #867 

Published on June 14, 2022 Written by

Inspiration can be found in almost every conversation if you’re looking for it.  Thank you to David Larson for his wisdom and this great idea.  During our conversation, David shared a passion for collecting powerful quotes. I do as well. He also shared that he writes daily and would never lack for things to write… View Article

Deciding Not to Decide #866 

Published on June 13, 2022 Written by

It works until it doesn’t.  At work and home, I am the one to lead, decide and cause things. Mostly, I love it and it suits my nature as a decisive change agent. Because I get paid for this skill, I’ve learned to use it well and most of the time it works.   Until it… View Article

Prioritizing Fun #865 

Published on June 10, 2022 Written by

Pause. It works.  When I was on the recent holiday, I decided to take a break and treat it as if I wasn’t at home.  It worked.  We did some errands; being productive matters to me. This is the “stuff” I often put off. It was fun and fast.  We decided to get on the… View Article

You Never Know #864 

Published on June 9, 2022 Written by

You never know.  This week, I received two sincere gifts.   Two people in my life, who I don’t know really well reached out to express deeply felt gratitude for interactions we’d had. One reached me by voicemail and one by email. Both were moving and brought me to tears.  Both people went out of their… View Article

Will You? #863 

Published on June 8, 2022 Written by

Thoughtfulness. It’s underrated.  When you sit back, if even just a little, you can observe others and learn what’s unique and special.  You can’t have an agenda; you must be authentically curious.  It’s an art that’s lost these days in the world of gift cards and hustle.   Some seek the predictable experiences over the ones… View Article

The Open Space Between Plans #862 

Published on June 7, 2022 Written by

Spontaneity. It’s underrated.  When life is surprising, unexpected, and fun, we are present and alive.  That event you couldn’t have planned turns out to be the one you experienced in full technicolor – see, feel, hear, touch and taste.   Only the planners don’t always like that.  You can’t script spontaneity.  Like the day you’re on… View Article

The Splendor of Now #861 

Published on June 6, 2022 Written by

When it comes to Spring, Lilacs win in my favorites category.  Perhaps it’s because they are fragrant and blooming for about a week and then retreat to a regular bush?  When they bloom, the blossoms take up the space around them like a superstar on the runway. They burst open with vibrant lavender and purple… View Article


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