Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Butterflies Remind Me #910 

Published on August 12, 2022 Written by

When we purchased our home, the yard was overgrown. Not just a little, a lot.  We moved in mid-July, and as all moves go, there’s plenty to do and undo, so the yard wasn’t our first priority with limited summer days remaining and our attention focused on settling in.  When the spring arrived, we set… View Article

Asking the Right Question #909 

Published on August 11, 2022 Written by

Where’s the biggest impact? (Or what’s most impactful?)  It’s a small question, and when you use it to filter priorities, things clarify and simplify. Too many people are afraid to simplify, worrying they’ll forget, leave things out, mistakes will happen, or balls will drop.  There is a time for detailing descriptions, however, to focus and… View Article

Reminders Are Everywhere #908 

Published on August 10, 2022 Written by

Rainy days are some of my favorite days.  Though you’d never hear me complain about sunshine and low humidity, living in a four-season state offers the joy of appreciating every change in our climate.  When I wake to a grumbling thunderstorm I appreciate the mood, reminding me all days aren’t joyful, it’s okay to make noise… View Article

Don’t Confuse the Two #907 

Published on August 9, 2022 Written by

When you spend time doing things you enjoy doing, they don’t feel like work.  You know, the times when you look up and the clock has zoomed hour(s) ahead and it feels like minutes. Your energy is high, you’re present and engaged, and the work you are doing actually gives you more energy and fuels… View Article

The Surprise of a Century #906 

Published on August 8, 2022 Written by

When I began writing 1,000 blogs, I never imagined one of the most incredible outcomes from this journey would be capturing my thoughts throughout a pandemic.  As I anticipate the completion of this goal, I’m getting excited about reviewing my musings over the course of nearly four years, especially with the crazy path we’ve been… View Article

The Champion of Focus and Clarity #905 

Published on August 5, 2022 Written by

The clearer you get, the easier it is.  When you’re clear, you know what to say YESS! and no to.  It’s not grey, it’s black and white.   And the funny thing is, the more you say no to, the more opportunities attract to you. In abundance. There’s no scarcity when you can say no. It’s… View Article

Today It Makes Sense #904 

Published on August 4, 2022 Written by

A few months ago, I attended a number of conferences as I have many spring times prior. Most often, it’s exhilarating, and my love of learning is replenished.  It was different this year.  It’s been disruptive and difficult. This is always the precursor to significant change for me.  When it’s time, life as usual no… View Article

Clarity #903 

Published on August 3, 2022 Written by

When we meet new clients, we find there is common pain they’re experiencing.   Most are seeking greater accountability, ownership, and collaboration for the greater good. They are willing to exchange autonomy and purpose for that return.  In order to navigate the emerging challenges and current chaos in our spaces, we must proceed with clarity.   Clarity… View Article

The Push #902 

Published on August 2, 2022 Written by

We all struggle with difficult conversations. When you’re facing the prospect of letting someone go, it brings all of your humanity to the surface if there isn’t some kind of clear wrongdoing.  We must face these situations with open minds and open hearts as well as the firmness and commitment to the greater good of… View Article

Eye to Eye and I to I #901 

Published on August 1, 2022 Written by

One of my new endeavors has been to lead the Rocket Fuel Master Class and Integrator Mastery Forum. As I think of the significant benefits to my own learning and development, one of the most immediate is to be in a room with high performing leaders.  I’ve had a similar journey with the Implementors; the… View Article


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