Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Evaluation and Contemplation #1005 

Published on December 30, 2022 Written by

As I evaluate 2022 and contemplate 2023, I’m aware of the learning opportunities available to me.  I love to learn and grow, and my drive to do so needs to be channeled effectively.   Questions I’m considering as I pause in the in-between space of 2022 and 2023:  What questions are you considering?  

Choose #1004 

Published on December 29, 2022 Written by

When life is disrupted, you become aware of the pain.  Whether you recognize it or ignore it completely, it’s there. It waits for the opportunity to get your attention amidst all of your busyness.  Whether you like it or not, it emerges demanding attention when the pressure builds.  Like it or not, you will address… View Article

Emergence #1003 

Published on December 28, 2022 Written by

I’m preparing to leave for a trip today.   I’m meeting a friend and we’re doing nothing but caring for ourselves at a location focusing on health and wellness.   I’ve never embarked on a five day stretch all about me before.  I’m excited and grateful for the opportunity.  At this time of the year, reflecting, quieting… View Article

Ready to Win #1002 

Published on December 27, 2022 Written by

It’s still in the early morning.  My favorite time to focus, meditate, welcome the day, and set my intentions for the day. I’m pondering my routine and considering exercise as the non-negotiable addition to the start of the day.  All my reasons greet me to persuade my thinking in every direction:   My outcomes depend on… View Article

Compelling Vision #1001 

Published on December 26, 2022 Written by

As Paul Johnson from Aggressive Hydraulics says, “our best days are ahead of us.”  He shared this at a recent annual planning session as the team worked on team health. They are celebrating some big wins this year and also focused on doubling down as inspirational leaders.  Paul’s words struck a chord with me. They’re… View Article

Lessons From 1000 Blogs, #1000 TaDaaaaa 

Published on December 23, 2022 Written by

Well, I did it.   Thank you Seth Godin for the challenge I didn’t know I needed.   The journey has been filled with a range of emotions, pushing through the days I didn’t feel like it, becoming a better observer, and learning I can do whatever I set my mind to.  I didn’t sell out to… View Article

Amplifying Success #999 

Published on December 22, 2022 Written by

Keeping your word is a superpower.  As I work with clients and observe those who are most successful in terms of people (culture), purpose (finding meaning in their work), and profit (being compensated appropriately), is that they have a superior commitment to doing what they say.  This sounds so simple.  It is, and it’s rare. … View Article

Transformation #998 (3 to 1000!) 

Published on December 21, 2022 Written by

In a world filled with conflict, be a space for understanding.  In a world filled with sadness, be a space for compassion.  In a world filled with lack, be a space of generosity.  In a world filled with joy, be a space of appreciation.  In a world filled with complexity, be a space of clarity. … View Article

When in Doubt, Focus Out #997 (4 to 1000) 

Published on December 20, 2022 Written by

I was in a preparing for a podcast with Barbara Archer yesterday and she summed up a point we were making by saying “when your world gets smaller, your problems get bigger.”  What a profound statement.   It proves true for me – and everyone I know.  When we shrink our lives to reduce the likelihood… View Article

Listening is The Doorway #996 (5 to 1000) 

Published on December 19, 2022 Written by

I’ve been traveling again, which offers the gift of serendipitous intersections.  I had the great fortune of sitting next to Ashley, who asked me about my reMarkable2 (favorite device ever – and they didn’t pay me to say that!) and we were off to the races.  I’m typically the passenger who keeps to themselves, putting… View Article


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