Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Old Conversations Die Hard #930 

Published on September 9, 2022 Written by

Time to think.   Henry Ford said, “thinking is the hardest work you’ll ever do, that’s why so few people do it.”   For years, I worked hard to justify time spent doing little to nothing. It felt like a waste. After all, I’m a productive, doer. How could I spend time doing nothing if I hadn’t… View Article

It Begins Here #929 

Published on September 8, 2022 Written by

“If you’re your own worst enemy, you don’t need any others.” Dan Sullivan  When I consider the days I’ve ruminated on what I’ve done wrong, how I am wrong, what I could’ve or should’ve done, it’s a vast amount of time. Add to it the judgment of my body, hair, behavior, or anything else about… View Article

Winning Every Day #928 

Published on September 7, 2022 Written by

Structure frees creativity and structure creates freedom.  I’d like to say I’m smarter than my dog, but some days I wonder. When we moved four years ago, our bulldog, Spanky was lost. He struggled for a few weeks with the new location, routine, and loss of what he formerly relied upon to navigate his days… View Article

Don’t Be Swayed #927 

Published on September 6, 2022 Written by

I gave up email July 1, 2022. If you’re playing along, you know this. It’s been so positively freeing it’s hard to describe. You can see my autoresponder here: if you’re interested.  I’m sharing this as I’ve received texts and calls, social media shout outs and personal appreciation for having done this. I’ve been… View Article

Increasing Your Peace #926 

Published on September 5, 2022 Written by

Travel is still challenging these days. If you’ve been going East, you can feel every word of that statement.  And yet, travel is improving daily to the point of feeling how it was pre-pandemic. Fingers crossed; the winter is coming!  When I know I’m on the road, no matter the length of the trip, because… View Article

Begin by Asking #925 

Published on September 2, 2022 Written by

Questions are a leader’s most powerful tool.  When you lead well, you learn to ask more than tell. There’s a distinction between teaching and leading. For the team, they can become blurred when the leader blurs those lines.  Teaching means showing, telling, correcting, learning, and generating. Leading is involved, but the outcome is clear: transition… View Article

Better Together #924 

Published on September 1, 2022 Written by

It’s amazing to witness someone emerging into their greatness….and it’s even better when they are related to you.  Seeing people embrace beautiful, powerful aspects of themselves that shine through your eyes, previously invisible through their eyes is a gift.  As I watch the metamorphosis of my adult children, I’m appreciative of who they are. Perfectly… View Article

Curiosity Velocity #923 

Published on August 31, 2022 Written by

I was learning with Dr. David Cooperrider, the man credited with creating Appreciative Inquiry. It was a rich experience drenched in goodness. I mean, when it’s called appreciative inquiry, what else would it be?  Consider flipping your script, asking only forwarding questions, redirecting your language to be positive, appreciative, generative, and abundant.  It’s not about… View Article

You’re Only as Strong As… #922 

Published on August 30, 2022 Written by

“The task of leadership is to create alignment of strengths to make a systems’ weaknesses irrelevant.” – Peter Drucker  When you think about it, no system is perfect. In fact, all are flawed.  Yet, when you think about leadership, alignment is the sum of all talents, thoughts, ambitions, insights, beliefs, and behaviors. Your company can… View Article

Stop and Ask #921 

Published on August 29, 2022 Written by

We can take so much for granted, at least I can.   I was with a group recently and two questions were posed from the authors of the book The Business of Race (Gina Greenlee and Margaret H. Greenberg):  What is the relevance of race in your business?  How do you identify?  What’s interesting is that… View Article


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