Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Focus on Practice #985 

Published on December 2, 2022 Written by

Reflecting at year end offers the manufactured opportunity to redirect yourself and your practices.  When thinking about forming new habits, giving thought to making them easy to maintain is worth the time. Each practice forms into a habit which offers an outcome we’re seeking. We usually center our thinking on the outcome which doesn’t lead… View Article

Make Them Count #984 

Published on December 1, 2022 Written by

The afterglow of Thanksgiving is a real thing for me.  We do our best version of Martha Stewart meets Julia Child in our midwestern way. Our home is filled with our chosen family and varies in number year to year.  This year offered many unique gifts, friends we consider family worked all day prior to… View Article

Interruption or Redirection? #983 

Published on November 30, 2022 Written by

What if inconveniences, interruptions, and unplanned events happened in order to redirect us?  Instead of being irritated by them, we might pause.   The pause would offer perspective, space, and the possibility of choice.  Whether a traffic jam, an illness, a broken vehicle or a health event, these opportunities can be windows of perspective and intersections… View Article

Culture Wins #982 

Published on November 29, 2022 Written by

One of the great exercises I’ve offered clients recently is the gift of expanding gratitude and enhancing their culture. It’s a simple exercise and it has exponential impact.  When we talk about talent in our session rooms, we encourage the leadership team to create a magnetic culture. Think about that. A magnet does two things…. View Article

Doesn’t Feel Like Work #981 

Published on November 28, 2022 Written by

Family business isn’t for everyone.   For those of us who appreciate it, one of the benefits of doing work you love is doing it with people you love.   Whether by chance, by choice, or by circumstance, I hope you truly enjoy those you work with to the point of loving them.  For us, one of… View Article

An Offer Not to be Missed #980 

Published on November 25, 2022 Written by

We help people increase how intentional they are as leaders, in their business and in life. This is why you – our committed blog readers – will receive our best deal offered on our online question-a-day journal. We’ve slashed the price in half from Black Friday through Cyber Monday for you!   If you’re looking for… View Article

Today, I’ll Start with Gratitude #979 

Published on November 24, 2022 Written by

Happy Thanksgiving! With gratitude, we repost this blog annually to remind us to pause and bathe in gratitude. From our heart to yours, we wish you an abundant and joyous Thanksgiving.  This morning, I was fully present to the sunrise.  I don’t mean just observing the great colors, or simply noticing how the rolling clouds… View Article

Memories Matter #978 

Published on November 23, 2022 Written by

This week is one I cherish. Our kids come to the house to decorate for the holidays, we launch the holiday tunes and finish with a great meal and some games.   As a chosen family, it means we’ve created our own traditions. One of which is cherishing time together and focusing on experiences, not material… View Article

It Works Every Time #977 

Published on November 22, 2022 Written by

Kevin was recognized for an incredible award this past weekend. Though he won the award in 2021, the pandemic delayed the recognition of his great leadership in medicine until this year.  It was a big deal for him, and our entire family made it to the event with his colleagues and toasted his commitment to… View Article

Five Steps to Peace #976 

Published on November 21, 2022 Written by

For some of us, when things aren’t going right, we react with emotion. This describes me.  Over time, I’ve learned to wait before reacting, and at times that works. I’ve found people who react more logically do better with this method than I do. *(Waiting 24 hours before saying anything is often a good idea… View Article


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