Test Page - Page 95 of 158 - YESS!

111 More Than Enough #529

Published on February 25, 2021 Written by

I have an office with windows in a semi-circle revealing beautiful landscape outdoors.  Today it’s snowing lightly.   It’s the kind of snow you don’t mind, it doesn’t really accumulate much and it’s warm in Minnesota terms at 30 degrees Fahrenheit. (Don’t shudder warm weather friends, we have clothing for this.)  One of the most peaceful, grounded, clear experiences available are on… View Article

111 Are You Clear? #528

Published on February 24, 2021 Written by

Transitions.  They’re challenging. Transitions require you to let go while you are also fumbling to embrace the emerging space of what’s next at the same time.   Transitions are neither here nor there. Both places are uncertain.  One is about completion, one is about possibility; and either way, you don’t know for sure.  Like the acrobat shifting from one trapeze to another, there is a moment of suspension, exhilaration, fear, and nothingness.  The next trapeze… View Article

111 Making Friends With The Day #527

Published on February 23, 2021 Written by

I woke up with a feeling of hope, inspiration, gratitude and peace.   I was driving alone to work out with a good start to the day, it was early and still dark. On my drive, the sun was rising.   As I witness the soft hues of the morning kissing the horizon, the pink hues merging into lavender and tangerine… View Article

111 When You Believe It #526

Published on February 22, 2021 Written by

Think affirmations are a bunch of BS?  Two examples to ponder:   Scott Adams – creator of the Dilbert comic series – attributes his success to the use of positive affirmations. 15 times every day, he wrote “I Scott Adams, will become a syndicated cartoonist.” By doing this, he anchored the concept deep into his psyche and began… View Article

111 Good Enough #525

Published on February 19, 2021 Written by

It all changed tonight. After a week of deadlines, challenging commitments and frustration, I decided I was done with it.   I told myself I had plenty of time, would enjoy writing my blogs and would complete them quickly, easily and they would be good enough. They didn’t have to be perfect, they would be fun to write and I’d… View Article

111 Extraordinary Teams #524

Published on February 18, 2021 Written by

An extraordinary team is an ordinary team with an extraordinary commitment. The extra refers to their commitment, not the players.   Relatively speaking, any team can be extraordinary.   To be extraordinary, you must align yourselves, and be resolute in your collective commitment. This means a firm determination, shared by all. When push comes to shove, an… View Article

111 The Game Is Close #523

Published on February 17, 2021 Written by

Can you see yourself on the same level as those you consider “at the top” of your game?  If you do, you’ll participate as if it’s the ninth inning and the game is close. The intensity and passion you will summon will be different than if you perceive yourself winning or losing by a lot.   Many times,… View Article

111 Tired of Things as They Are? #522

Published on February 16, 2021 Written by

Jim Rohn said “Don’t wish things were easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”  When you’re tired of working so hard looking for a better, simpler, easier way or the next opportunity, flip the switch and consider the quote above.   Tired of things as they… View Article

111 Opportunity Cost #521

Published on February 15, 2021 Written by

Opportunity cost. It’s always there.  When you say “YESS!” to something, you say “no” to many others.   Too often, we disregard what the costs actually are.   When you’re overscheduled, there is no space. No space for opportunity, spontaneity, things to go wrong or things to emerge. You’ve planned it all away and it becomes more difficult and chaotic to manage all you’ve… View Article

111 Impact #520

Published on February 12, 2021 Written by

Are you aware of the impact you have on others?  I received a lovely acknowledgement through social media from an incredible woman recently. It began with a quick message and evolved into a brief exchange about the profound difference I had made in her life. I’ve not seen her in many years, we rarely exchange “likes” and… View Article


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