Test Page - Page 89 of 158 - YESS!

111 Change How You’re Thinking #589

Published on May 20, 2021 Written by

Language informs our reality.  How we talk about what is possible, how we describe ourselves and others determines what is possible.   When you talk, you’re letting others in on how you think and feel. If it’s not moving you forward, you’re either stuck or moving backward.   When you listen to yourself, does it move you forward? Do you want… View Article

111 I Heard The Message #588

Published on May 19, 2021 Written by

Some days it’s more important to prioritize the things you don’t believe you have time for than to make the stuff that has to happen, happen.  Today, it turned out to be a beautiful day and was supposed to be a dreary one.   A friend called with challenging news regarding her health, my TimeHop shared a photo of someone… View Article

111 Focus, Priorities, and Discipline #587

Published on May 18, 2021 Written by

I value time and I use it well – mostly.   I’ve had people ask me how I accomplish as much as I do and it’s interesting to me. I don’t know that I’m more productive than others, but I do have practices which sustain my focus and allow me to say “no” to things that don’t fit with my priorities, and I’m disciplined. … View Article

111 The Door Is Open #586

Published on May 17, 2021 Written by

You know, recently I’ve been rediscovering how simple it is to make people happy.  It’s two simple words and it seems to be a superpower these days. What are they? Follow through.   When I look around me, there is some normalization happening regarding stopping short of completing agreements and tasks. Maybe it’s just us? Please comment and let me know. … View Article

111 The Doorway To Engagement #585

Published on May 14, 2021 Written by

Are your people engaged?   I hear people who are concerned with culture every day – especially as we navigate what our businesses will look like going forward whether in person, online or integrated.   There are costs and benefits to each structure, and each presents new opportunities with our team.  To ensure high performance, we have to ensure 3… View Article

111 Let Go To Grow #584

Published on May 13, 2021 Written by

“If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough.” Mario Andretti  @AliNasser referenced this in his keynote at the EOS Conference a few weeks ago about his own car racing experience.   It aptly applies to business as well. We never want to lose momentum. If we are, we begin dying in that moment.  … View Article

111 Weird And Wonderful Transition #583

Published on May 12, 2021 Written by

It’s a weird and wonderful time in the world. We’re reemerging and able to spend time together again, which is interesting.  For me, what’s wonderful is the energy, the connection and all the human pieces of being with others we’ve missed. What’s weird is many of us are sorting through what feels safe and doesn’t, how many people are too many, do… View Article

111 Graceful Interruptions #582

Published on May 11, 2021 Written by

We were enjoying dinner and the fabulous @kellyknight shared a term that was new to me: “NILSI.”  NILSI stands for: No Interest Like Self Interest  Acronyms/code words can be a wonderful interruption used to gracefully or humorously stop distracting, difficult, or challenging behaviors in a team environment – we’ve included a few we use, please add yours below – we can all use the help!  WAIT – Why Am I… View Article

111 Who Can You Empathize With? #581

Published on May 10, 2021 Written by

Dr. Ben Hardy says, “Trauma is not what happens to us, it’s what happens inside us in the absence of an empathetic witness.”  When I heard this, it occurred to me we’re all dealing with some kind of trauma in the past year of the pandemic. It’s been compounded for many of us as we’ve dealt with so many changes while… View Article

111 Savor This Thought #580

Published on May 7, 2021 Written by

The world is fortunate to have you.   What if we all believed this?   How would we greet each other, meet challenges, work through concerns, explore differences, wake up each day and try things?  When you greet the day with a solid belief in yourself, the world shows up to meet you there.  How do we remind… View Article


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