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111 Comfortable Being Uncomfortable #599

Published on June 3, 2021 Written by

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable” is a healthy guideline for participation in our session rooms. It’s a way of working together that facilitates greatness when fully embraced by the people in the room. No matter how many times I walk teams through this, I’m surprised at how it frees leaders up and grants permission to say… View Article

111 If Not Now, When? #598

Published on June 2, 2021 Written by

Small habits are underestimated. Reading 20 pages every day equates to about 30 books per year. Saving $10 per day is $3,650 per year. Spending five minutes in silence or meditation every day offers 30 hours of reflection in a year. Writing down 10 things you are grateful for everyday results in 70 opportunities to… View Article

111 What’s Your Recipe? #597

Published on June 1, 2021 Written by

The peace of the morning is where I find my center. It’s how I begin the best of days.  When I’m awake before the rest of the household, there is a stillness, a space, filled with majesty, contentment, silence and sacredness.  I find gratitude, love, abundance and hope here.  The beauty of the sunrise captures my attention and offers… View Article

111 Will You? #596

Published on May 31, 2021 Written by

One of the most important questions I’ve learned to ask during an online session came from the XCHANGE Approach. When you ask those attending: “why is it important for you to be here?,” it prompts the entire purpose of your meeting.  When you slow down, think about the question to ask and crowdsource the answer, your meetings will be more valuable.  Learning to push… View Article

111 The Only Way Out #595

Published on May 28, 2021 Written by

When things are hard it’s natural to think you want to quit, or at the very least, stop.  Will you?  Or will you let adversity help you grow?  One way or the other, you’ll get there. One way is slower, with penalties and interest, the other is direct.  The only way out is through. 

111 A Gift For You #594

Published on May 27, 2021 Written by

Today I wanted to offer a gift while sharing what’s been a gamechanger for me and my business.  If you’ve not seen the ads for the ReMarkable2, you must not spend time on social media where I do.  I saw the ad and had seen one in action in one of my sessions and wondered… View Article

111 Decide #593

Published on May 26, 2021 Written by

Sometimes you just need to hear yourself say something out loud to get your answer.  I was talking with a dear friend and savvy businessperson who reminded me of this today.  As I described the situation I am experiencing, I noticed the clarity of events, mismatch of values, consistent evidence as a logical event. In… View Article

111 Pressure Wash Yourself To Clarity #592

Published on May 25, 2021 Written by

Who knew pressure washing would be gratifying? I sure didn’t.  At least not until I tried it.  Sometimes doing a task which is simple, mundane and productive is just what the doctor ordered.   Though I ended covered in dirt, pressure washing gave me the clarity on many things happening in my business and life.   When your thinking gets stuck, take to… View Article

111 One Small Step #591

Published on May 24, 2021 Written by

James Clear hit it home for me last week with this one:  “Most of the excuses I made…  not enough time  not enough money  not enough knowledge  not the right connections  were just ways to avoid the real bottleneck: Not enough courage.”  There was always a small step I could have taken—if I had the… View Article

111 Choose Wisely #590

Published on May 21, 2021 Written by

In our Quarterly last week, Holly reminded us of a quote we all needed to hear, and it was timely and necessary for us. I’m confident someone else may benefit from this, so here it is with my modifications in recognition of the privilege assumed in the original:  Great relationships are hard. Remaining in an unhappy relationship is harder. Choose… View Article


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