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111 Leaving A Legacy of Love #658 

Published on August 25, 2021 Written by

In yesterday’s blog, I talked about being surprised by grief and how I thought my experience with my son’s teacher was unique. I found out at her celebration of life that it wasn’t. Her commitment (and masterful ability) to impact people that many disregard and judge was so significant it was overwhelming.  She took her own traumatized learning experience and catalyzed it to change the… View Article

111 An Angel of Inclusion #657 

Published on August 24, 2021 Written by

You just don’t know.  I was caught by surprise recently at the celebration of life for a significant teacher in my son’s life. She died in March having lost her dance with cancer. I hadn’t seen her in years, my son’s work with her ended 10 years ago, but we’d stayed loosely in touch, and I was… View Article

111 Hearing The Bigger Messages #656 

Published on August 23, 2021 Written by

Sometimes you just know.  In fact, when you’re attuned in life, it’s most often the case.  Therein lies the problem. A majority of the time, most of us are not dialed in enough to access the messages from our intuition, let alone to trust our gut.  This is why we rely on our heads and the clutter between… View Article

111 K.I.S.S. For the Win #655

Published on August 20, 2021 Written by

Adding people to your team brings complexity.  It’s exponential. If you hire one person, you’ve made a 50% increase in headcount. Yet it results in a 200% increase in complexity.  Add just one more person, it’s a 100% increase in headcount and a 500% increase in complexity.   If it seems more complex, you’ve got it… View Article

111 No Such Thing #654

Published on August 19, 2021 Written by

No such thing as a perfect “10” on a scale of one to ten?  Tell that to Quan Hongchan who at 14 years of age who won the gold during the platform diving competition with two perfect 10 dives and a third dive with 10s and one 9.5.  Often, with leadership teams, I’ll hear teams rate each… View Article

111 Celebrating Our Shared Humanity #653

Published on August 18, 2021 Written by

I love the Olympics.  To imagine focusing on one thing, one discipline for years on end for sometimes a single minute of opportunity…wow.  The sacrifice, the pressure, the excellence and the competition.  Being judged while competing against the other people with the perseverance to do as you’ve done and seeing how few make it to… View Article

111 They’re Not the Same #652

Published on August 17, 2021 Written by

Some people talk with you in their free time and some free their time to talk with you.  If you don’t learn the difference, you’ll think they are the same.  They are not.  Who frees their time for you?  Who do you free your time for?  Do you make it matter when you’re together? 

111 Environment and Inspiration #651

Published on August 16, 2021 Written by

Sometimes the right setting can inspire the best in you.  Do you need the hustle and bustle of people, pets and things happening around you?  Are you better in silence with stillness surrounding you?  Do you need music? What kind of light? What brings out the best of who you are and how you think?  Your… View Article

111 65% To Goal (650 Blogs of 1,000) #650

Published on August 13, 2021 Written by

Happy August!   For those playing along, this is the summary I write every 50 posts sharing my lessons while writing a blog every day in my journey to 1,000. This began when I accepted Seth Godin’s challenge from this blog post.  Right now, it’s flowing. Perhaps it’s the weather, time off and seeing friends in abundance? I’m unsure as just 50 blogs ago,… View Article

111 The Key to Life #649

Published on August 12, 2021 Written by

I’ve appreciated this John Lennon quote from the moment I first heard it.  “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down ‘happy’.  They told me I didn’t… View Article


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