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111 Free Falling Into What’s Next #429

Published on October 8, 2020 Written by

When I reflect on all 2020 has offered, I am often surprised to find many incredible benefits as the challenges have been frequent, compounding and paralyzing at times.   What I remind myself repeatedly however, is it’s the most challenging periods that offer the opportunity to grow, learn and emerge into the next best version of… View Article

111 We’ll Get Through This #428

Published on October 7, 2020 Written by

“Not every day is a good day, live anyway.  Not everyone will tell you the truth, be honest anyway.  Not all deals are fair, play fair anyway.   Not all you love will love you back, love anyway.”  For those of us living into 2020, working to be resilient, seize the opportunities, stay positive and maintain… View Article

111 We Don’t Need Leaders When It’s Easy #427

Published on October 6, 2020 Written by

We’ve been watching “The Last Dance” on Netflix. If you’re a Michael Jordan fan, it’s a great watch.  I was struck with an impactful quote at the end of the seventh hour (there are a total of ten hours filmed, broken into one-hour segments for those who may not have seen this yet). Jordan says “Winning has a price…. View Article

111 It’s The Only Way #426

Published on October 5, 2020 Written by

It’s been hard to write lately.  Grief shifts your focus in some profound ways, some, quite useful in that you prioritize people and relationships with greater weight. It also shifts productivity.   I’ve been here before. I’m a doer, and I know what I need to be doing. I’m a list-maker, and I love my work. I’m keenly aware my identity is wrapped up… View Article

111 Feeling Disconnected? #425

Published on October 2, 2020 Written by

Do you have an open mind?   One of the things I find myself grappling with is the lack of openness to changing our minds these days. One of the privileges I have in the work I do is to help people work through healthy conflict.   It’s interesting being from Minnesota that even the term “conflict” causes many people to struggle. The reason, I… View Article

111 It’s a Price Worth Paying #424

Published on October 1, 2020 Written by

“Grief never ends… but it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, not a lack of faith…it is the price of love.”  Finding words to express the cascade of feelings that accompany grieving a loss is not easy.   In terms of capturing what it feels like with any… View Article

111 How to Cope Through The Winter Months #423

Published on September 30, 2020 Written by

Winter is coming, and many people are concerned about all things pademic as well as the state of mental health for themselves, their employees, family and friends. What can you do?   There’s a science to giving your body the chemicals it needs during the darkness of winter and the isolation of a pandemic. Try some of these… View Article

111 12 Things To Help Thrive Through The Winter #422

Published on September 29, 2020 Written by

In speaking with leaders, there is a real concern about Winter’s arrival.  For those in cold weather states, we are concerned about what this next phase of our pandemic brings as the options to connect with friends and family safely outside goes away. How will we endure it? For the various people who have different… View Article

111 Gandhi Gets It #421

Published on September 28, 2020 Written by

Gandhi said there are 7 blunders of the world that lead to violence. They are:  Wealth without work.  Pleasure without conscience.  Knowledge without character.  Commerce without morality.  Science without humanity.  Worship without sacrifice.  Politics without principle.  I had this quote from a seminar I attended years ago. It was one of the slides shared and thankfully… View Article

111 Think, Watch, Do #420

Published on September 25, 2020 Written by

There are three approaches to learning something new. You can use these in onboarding employees, with children and with yourself as you approach new learning opportunities. This includes most of 2020.  Some people think their way to learning. They like to analyze, gather data, watch others, read about the topic, watch videos, talk with people… View Article


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