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111 It’s All There #449

Published on November 5, 2020 Written by

When you pay attention, everything you need is right in front of you.  As I went to cast my vote last week, we were standing in line on a chilly Minnesota day wishing we’d arrived even earlier to avoid the line outside in the cold wind.   As we chatted with the people around us, a woman next… View Article

111 Ask And Begin #448

Published on November 4, 2020 Written by

Curiosity will get you further than certainty most of the time.  Am I suggesting you abandon all reason and those things you’re certain of, no. I am suggesting the only way we create connection, community and possibility is through our relatedness. Shared knowledge, we can do what I can’t and the sum of the whole is greater than any… View Article

111 Paying It Forward #447

Published on November 3, 2020 Written by

From lawyer and activist Vernon Jordan on the collaborative nature of life:   “You are where you are today because you stand on somebody’s shoulders. And wherever you are heading, you cannot get there by yourself. If you stand on the shoulders of others, you have a reciprocal responsibility to live your life so that others may stand… View Article

111 Creating Connection #446

Published on November 2, 2020 Written by

Are you concerned about how to stay “connected” over the winter? Many people are.  In fact, it’s a source of discussions with most of my clients. Leaders are looking for meaningful ways to support employees and each other when distanced. The concern is a lack of connection.  Few will dispute that 2020 has offered more opportunities to… View Article

111 The Difference Maker #445

Published on October 30, 2020 Written by

Consistency. It’s elusive to many of us.  When learning, it’s the deal maker.  When seeking mastery, it separates those who excel from those who don’t.  In any situation where you seek to deliver excellence, from cooking to performing, doing your work to playing sports, learning an instrument or a new language, art, leadership or any other venture – it requires consistency.  Without… View Article

111 Perspective Is Everything #444

Published on October 29, 2020 Written by

It’s interesting how the same circumstances appear differently at different times.  Living in Minnesota affords one of the most wonderful arrays of changing weather you could ask for. We’ve just entered into the splendor of Fall and the transition into Winter is testing us in tiny bits.  At this time of year, I over dress. I find being… View Article

111 Will You Find A Way? #443

Published on October 28, 2020 Written by

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”   Jim Rohn  Have you ever thought successful people looked, well a bit crazy, certainly obsessive?  This is because if you want to make it, to achieve something extraordinary, you must do the work like others can’t, won’t or don’t.   Doing… View Article

111 Resilience Is A Choice #442

Published on October 27, 2020 Written by

Resilience is a choice. I’m hearing many leaders talking about the winter, what it means for their employees relative to the weather and the potential isolation it can offer to some people. How can we as leaders empower people to be safe, lead our teams, keep our businesses running in a healthy manner and support… View Article

111 Loss or Gain, You Choose #441

Published on October 26, 2020 Written by

2020. So many people are wishing it away…I’ve certainly had my moments. Yet I challenge myself to rise to never wishing time away when I catch it. Life is short, we do not have the luxury of negative thoughts or wishing away our time. It’s a finite resource and you can’t reclaim it once it’s… View Article

111 No More Virtual Meetings #440

Published on October 23, 2020 Written by

If you’ve been reading the blog consistently, you’ve heard me say I’ve dropped the word “virtual” from talking about online or digital meetings. The reason? It suggests they’re not real. Like “virtual” reality.  It’s not reality, right?  While working with my teams online or in person, I’ve heard my share of comments ranging from   I’m drained… View Article


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