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111 7 Rules of Life #479

Published on December 17, 2020 Written by

My thoughts added to Whisper of the Heart, 7 Rules of Life:  Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present. (You can’t change the past or go back to it – let it live as it was and don’t let it have today or your future. Love it, learn from it and let it be what it is, history.) What… View Article

111 It’s Not a Consumer Sport #478

Published on December 16, 2020 Written by

I am on a screen all day every day like many people, and it’s not new anymore. Does it change the challenges of missing people, wishing we were in person or could gather together, no. It does however mean we need to treat it as a mechanism for work.   At this point, purchasing a green screen, finding a… View Article

111 Be The Soul of That Place #477

Published on December 15, 2020 Written by

In a recent meeting, someone shared this Rumi quote “wherever you are, be the soul of that place.”  It struck me hard to consider how much we all contribute (or don’t) to the soul of the “places” we show up to.  I began reflecting on 2020 weeks ago and as I have been, one of the… View Article

111 Moving Into Our Hybrid Future #476

Published on December 14, 2020 Written by

One of the most powerful opportunities we have amidst the vastly challenging days of 2020 is to savor the moment and slow down enough to be grateful for the gifts and wins it has offered.  Slowing down, which many of us have appreciated, has enriched our relationships and encouraged renewed peace of mind. I’m not negating the hard… View Article

111 You Decide #475

Published on December 11, 2020 Written by

I recently heard this quote “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”   As I reflect on 2020, I’m contemplating what my future self looks like with regard to the challenges and gifts the year has offered. How do I take what I’ve learned to catalyze a more intentionally great… View Article

111 Finding Inspiration These Days #474

Published on December 10, 2020 Written by

Finding inspiration. It’s become a habit for me, because some days – these days – it’s been more challenging to do given the circumstances.   I’ve taken to watching great speakers, reading more, thinking more and writing more. I’m focused on health, kindness, appreciation and gratitude. What can I do? What else is possible? What are the gifts?  When I am intentional… View Article

111 10 Ideas To Appreciate Your Team This Year #473

Published on December 9, 2020 Written by

Are you feeling stuck for ideas of what to give or do for the holidays for your employees/team? I’m hearing from a number of leaders who are concerned about connecting and appreciating their teams while respecting the challenges the pandemic presents.   Given the circumstances and weather where you live, some of these ideas may be more or less… View Article

111 Join Me #472

Published on December 8, 2020 Written by

December is a month of reflection, appreciation, recognition, preparation, and perspective for me. I have some practices I follow supporting me in moving into the new year most effectively.   This year it feels more pressing to begin this work earlier, and so I am.  As I move into my review, I’m inviting you to join me.  If you’d… View Article

111 Be Intentional #471

Published on December 7, 2020 Written by

“This is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.” I posted this quote recently on my social media and it seemed to resonate with a number of people.   With the amount of adjusting, flexing, evolving, pivoting, and changing we’re all doing with frequency, it also means we need to… View Article

111 This Is 2020 #470

Published on December 4, 2020 Written by

I was reflecting on both flexibility and resilience today, and my thoughts prompted me to go to Dictionary.com.    Flexibility is defined as:  the ability to bend easily or without breaking  the quality of being easily adapted or of offering many different options  the ability and willingness to adjust one’s thinking or behavior Resilience is defined as:  the power or ability… View Article


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