November 25, 2020 8:00 am Published by

This morning, I was fully present to the sunrise.  I don’t mean just observing the great colors, or simply noticing how the rolling clouds seemed almost artificial in their picturesque arrangement. In and of itself, the sunrise was spectacular, but today I was present in a way that, in a breath, everything else was magically erased. As I watched pink merging to peach, and tangerine to lavender and the rich marigold hues of the sun kissing the horizon, I was aware and awake to a depth and appreciation of everything – at once and in an instant.   

In that moment, I was moved with awareness of my rich and abundant life.  I am overtaken by a profound sense of gratitude. 

As I’ve lingered with this experience in gratitude for several hours now, I’ve had tears of joy more than once. My friends, family and business associates include a rich array of genuinely kind, caring and contributing people.  Our community of learners at YESS! are sincere and conscious leaders. While many aspects of my life have changed dramatically this year; I can’t see any place in my life where there is lack.  What a gift. 
