June 2, 2023 5:08 am Published by

In the world of simplification, I’m considering all things right now. This includes whether or not to continue writing the blog. 

So, to prioritize my time, I need your help.  

If you are reading this, please let me know a few things with your simple responses to these questions: 

  1. Do you find value in reading along with my musings? Yes or No (no assumptions of always or never are made! 😊) 

  1. Have you shared this blog with others? Why / Why not 

  1. Would you miss it? Yes or No 

  1. Anything I haven’t asked that you’d like me to consider, please comment.  

As I reach another phase in my world, I want to ensure what I’m doing matters. When I began, this was a journey for me to capture my learning and musings. Now that it’s served well beyond it’s original purpose and I’ve surpassed the 1,000 mark, I’m seeking a renewed reason to write or realizing it may be time to move on. 

Thank you for your consideration, I’ll welcome your feedback! 
