February 16, 2024 9:41 am Published by

After writing 1300 daily blogs, here’s what I’ve learned at this moment on the journey. I am keenly aware I’m disrupted internally and that’s a good thing. I believe I’m in some form of transition…again. I’m excited to see all that emerges as we move into our Annual Planning next week and we move through heavy conference and speaking season. Thank you to everyone who has connected us to the amazing groups we have the pleasure of leading through keynotes and workshops! I am grateful to gracefully work through the tough stuff myself and with our audiences! Here are the learnings I’m present to right now: 

  1. Take Time for Yourself: Every day I begin with my routine and put on my oxygen mask first, it’s a better day. It’s crucial for keeping my mind fresh and my creativity flowing. 

  1. See Mistakes as Lessons: I remind myself I’m either winning or learning. Writing every day means not every post will be my best, but each one feeds the discipline and practice I need to succeed. As I journey forward, my self-care is no longer optional, it’s how I live my life. 

  1. Focus on What Really Matters: Not everything I do is equally important, I’m clearer now than I’ve been, still growing here. I’m using this quote from John Maeda in one of my workshops and it’s prevalent for me right now: “People who can focus, get things done. People who can prioritize get the right things done.”  

  1. Commit Fully: I’ve found efforting or trying doesn’t lead to success. Being fully committed means diving in all the way. No back doors, no trying, I’m responsible for giving it 100% if I say “YESS.” 

  1. Handle Overwhelm Head-on: Feeling overwhelmed happens, especially when you’re pursuing new things. Move. Every action diminishes the feeling and opens the door to feeling better.  

  1. Keep an Open Mind: Staying open and curious, especially during tough times, has been key. It’s about finding new ways to look at problems and not getting stuck in my habitual thinking. 

  1. Embrace Change: Sticking to the same routine can get boring. I try to mix things up enough to keep my daily practices fresh. This helps keep my senses fully engaged. 

  1. Remember the Bigger Picture: Though my world seems as if it’s transitioning, I know I always have a choice. The discomfort I feel is offering growth, learning, and the opportunity to let go of how “it is.” Though I’m unsettled, I’m at peace, knowing there is a bigger future emerging.  

  1. Actions Speak Louder Than Words: When I observe myself and others, trust is built by being consistent. It’s always easier to say it than do it, especially when it’s hard. Do it. 

  1. Trust the process: Whether I’m doing or undoing, learning or unlearning, I need to remember to trust the process. When I do, the transitions happen with greater ease and joy. I’m a work in progress…always. 

Thanks for playing along with me, reading, sharing with others, and letting me know you’re out there following along. It’s a great game to learn together! I appreciate you.  
