June 20, 2019 10:00 am Published by

Is it Time? #89

In a room full of women leaders I was facilitating, one leader considered a “what’s next?” transition that would shift the course of her future in a completely different direction. The other female leaders chimed in as another factor to be considered is that this leader is pregnant with two other young children and she’s the primary income for her household.

As the plot thickened and one female CEO offered lessons from her own journey, the leader on the hot seat asked “didn’t you ever get scared?” and her response was priceless. She said “I learned back in my softball days, to look out in the field where you want the ball to go. You can’t get scared while doing so.”

Food for thought. All fear is in the past and worry is in the future. When you’re focused on where you want to go, you’re present and there’s no room for anything else.

Where are you looking? Is it time to look out in the field where you want the ball to go?
