Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

More Than One Way to Look at Things #810 

Published on March 25, 2022 Written by

A spark ignites an idea. It fans the flame of possibility and refinement follows.  When you create meaningful time for reflection there’s space for what’s present and what could be.  If we keep our heads down doing the work remaining in the weeds, we have no perspective for the horizon.  It’s like looking at the… View Article

Keeping Promises #809 

Published on March 24, 2022 Written by

Following through can feel like a lost art.   It’s a small thing, yet so incredibly important.  We all make casual comments with friends like: “let’s do this again”, or when we meet new people “let’s connect.” Often it doesn’t happen. Our lives are busy, our calendars fill with the events that catch our attention and… View Article

Interruption To My Every Day #808 

Published on March 23, 2022 Written by

When the day starts gently, I welcome it with peace.  Waking in warm weather, watching the hues change in the early morning from a cliff facing the ocean, appreciating the people in my world while greeting it all in silence lets me enter the day with grace.  The sunshine works its way above the mountain… View Article

Grace Appears #807 

Published on March 22, 2022 Written by

Travel has been difficult lately. I’ve been in the air quite heavily lately and to say it’s challenging is an understatement.   Nothing on time, broken plane parts in abundance, lack of crew and staff. All of this leads to a domino effect for work and plans – sleep is often a tradeoff for the delays. … View Article

Spring #806 

Published on March 21, 2022 Written by

It’s coming.  I’m talking about Spring. All the smells, the melting, the greening up of the world and the refreshing longer periods of light.  It renews my spirit, instills hope, and teases me that winter is coming to an end.  It’s not time yet, but the warmer days signal its return. We will turn the… View Article

Do the Work #805 

Published on March 18, 2022 Written by

Don’t complain about the results you don’t have from the work you’ve not done.  It’s easy to look online or compare yourself to others and wish for different results.  If you haven’t done the reps, had the discipline or ascribed to the thinking, practices and discipline those you see or know do, it’s unfair to… View Article

How to Calm the Chaos #804 

Published on March 17, 2022 Written by

What’s your focus?  It’s such a critical question.   Yet we all go forward doing many tasks, often without a cohesive thread or a wide angle, macro lens on all the busyness we’re up to.  When we “spray and pray,” we often miss the most significant things, focus on superficial tasks and lose momentum because we’re… View Article

We Can Do What I Can’t #803 

Published on March 16, 2022 Written by

When you have a solid team it’s a game changer.  No matter how challenging the circumstances become, partnering with people you love, trust, and share values with is what ultimately gets you through the toughest times in life.  Knowing you are aligned in the struggles and celebrations together changes the landscape of possibilities.  When we… View Article

Happy Birthday Beautiful Friend #802 

Published on March 15, 2022 Written by

Beautiful friend, you were amazing, wise, thoughtful, caring and made everyone around you feel seen.   A force for good in this world and an amazing friend to all who had the pleasure of spending time with her. To know Mahtab was to be touched by significance. She created space for all, lived her word and… View Article

We’re All Connected #801 

Published on March 14, 2022 Written by

When it’s all said and done, we’re all connected.  Whether it’s the pain of what’s happening in the Ukraine, the coincidences that occur every day that we’re present to (or not), or the chaos of our world, the common denominator is people.   People who at a fundamental level want to contribute, make a difference, and… View Article


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