Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Nourishing Life #721 

Published on November 22, 2021 Written by

Nourishment is not just “nutrition.” Nourishment is the nutrients in the food, the taste, the aroma, the ambiance of the room, the conversation at the table, the love and inspiration in the cooking, and the joy of the entire experience.  Often, I look at food only as fuel, yet it’s so much more than that. I take… View Article

The Gift of Time #720 

Published on November 19, 2021 Written by

Time, it’s a non-renewable source. How do you respect, appreciate, and honor it?  One of the lessons I learned early in life was to appreciate when meetings didn’t happen, things changed, or scheduled events cancelled. They all afford the gift of time.  Often, especially when overscheduled, we wish for space in our overcrowded days. When something happens and what was… View Article

The Big Things #719 

Published on November 18, 2021 Written by

Today, let’s pause for a minute.   Who makes your life easier, nicer, kinder, and just plain better?  Have you told them? Will you tell them?   Little things you may take for granted – like the fact that my husband fills my gas tank to ensure I don’t have to do it. How cool is that? Also, I… View Article

For The Tech of It #718 

Published on November 17, 2021 Written by

When I think of all that’s occurred since March of 2020, it’s quite staggering. McKinsey states we experienced 10 years of growth in the first three months of the pandemic.   Many of us navigated the bulk of it thanks to technology.   It wasn’t without its hiccups, but overall, it worked and continues to redefine how we work and… View Article

Your Suit of Armor #717 

Published on November 16, 2021 Written by

We have a body; do we appreciate it?  If I had a dollar for all the time and energy I’ve spent criticizing my anatomy for being exactly how it is versus some way I wished it was, I’d be incredibly wealthy.  I don’t know when it started but disliking the less-than-ideal body began in the early years. I learned to hate parts, wish things were different and even feel embarrassed… View Article

Connection Is Everywhere #716 

Published on November 15, 2021 Written by

Artwork is inspiration.   In the same way time in nature can clear your mind, artwork can offer a journey into worlds we didn’t expect. When we surround ourselves with beautiful creations we appreciate, it’s evocative, it’s emotive and it opens our senses to be more creative and appreciative.  Ali and I took a trip to Willmar to enjoy James Church’s beautiful… View Article

All The Things #715 

Published on November 12, 2021 Written by

I’ve heard many people say they prefer experiences to things. It’s true for me as well.  Yet, in my day-to-day life, many “things” make life easier, richer, warmer and more meaningful and I am sometimes oblivious to them.  When I consider my favorite spatula which my mom used to use with all its dents, dings and partially melted handle, I can’t imagine making cookies without… View Article

There’s No Place Like Home #714 

Published on November 11, 2021 Written by

Throughout the pandemic, our homes have been well more than our shelter.   As I look at my home, what was once my least favorite room in our home is now my studio. It became a place to create, find comfort, pack up with my husband and dog at the end of the day and the… View Article

Natural Gratitude #713 

Published on November 10, 2021 Written by

There’s something healing, nurturing, and comforting in nature. Whether you consider yourself an “outdoor” person or not, immersing yourself in the woods, on the water, on a path, in the city or anywhere else offers space for you and your thoughts.  Few things are as transformative as time outdoors. Do you get outside enough? Or… View Article

No Longer Here #712 

Published on November 9, 2021 Written by

This time of year can be challenging for those of us who have loved ones no longer with us for any reason. As we step into the joyous traditions coupled with the stress of the holidays, remembering it’s a mixed bag emotionally for every person we encounter can help manage expectations.  Finding gratitude for those no longer… View Article


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