Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

The First 100 Days #880 

Published on July 1, 2022 Written by

I was at Strategic Coach with Dan Sullivan and he shared an exercise worthy of every business owner and parent’s attention. It’s a great way to be prepared and also bond your team or family in a cohesive way utilizing the highest and best use of everyone’s talents.  Here’s the scenario: what if you and… View Article

Feeling Your Way Through It #879 

Published on June 30, 2022 Written by

How do you manage strong reactions to things out of your immediate control?  Me, I allow myself to feel whatever is there; fully…and I mean it. When I do so, especially if it’s a strong reaction, I put a time limit on it.  Then, I need to manage through it which means to not deny… View Article

Three Questions to Simplify Hiring #878 

Published on June 29, 2022 Written by

What do you need to know when adding to your team?  It can be summed up with a few questions that may get to the core; the rest is art and science combined.  Three questions to consider which can simplify how you think about adding to your team:  Who are you?   This is a core… View Article

Adding by Subtracting #877 

Published on June 28, 2022 Written by

No more email! As I say on my autoresponder, it’s time to take my own medicine.  It’s true. I’ve signed off and my team is monitoring my email messages daily. Gino Wickman inspired this transformation and it’s taken me about ten years to make the transition…not an early adopter on this one, but grateful to have… View Article

Legacy #876 

Published on June 27, 2022 Written by

Legacy is a big word.  When I was younger and heard the word, it was in regard to older people who’d lived out some form of impressive, maybe even heroic lifetime journey only a few would be able to measure up to.  Now in my middle years, I think of it as a life well… View Article

Conversation Starters #875 

Published on June 24, 2022 Written by

Wondering how to generate a conversation?   Here are seven questions to create different types of dialogue:  What’s on your mind? This question could be used to probe deeper or to get an interesting conversation started. It’s a great way to open things up when you are curious what someone’s expression is really telling you.  What… View Article

Artists and Teachers #874 

Published on June 23, 2022 Written by

“I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.” John Steinbeck  I’ve spent a great deal of my life teaching,… View Article

Every Relationship Is a Choice #873 

Published on June 22, 2022 Written by

We are blessed.   We work to maintain a chosen family and all of us contribute to the success of how we connect, spend time and care for each other.  Every gathering moves us more deeply into a connected and unified space. Some days are better than others, yet we succeed or fail together.  As we… View Article

Don’t Ignore the Gift #872 

Published on June 21, 2022 Written by

We all need something to look forward to.  As a Minnesotan, let’s face it, our winters get long. One of the things my husband and I have done to interrupt what can feel like forever during the colder months is to schedule a long weekend or a week away every month possible.   We’ve been doing… View Article

Want Less Stress? #871 

Published on June 20, 2022 Written by

Procrastination. It’s human.  …and it’s a behavior that manufactures stress for you and those around you.  When deadlines and commitments are interdependent, trust is not only important, but also necessary.  One of the ways people destroy that precious space called trust is to procrastinate. In fact, when you are pushing the deadline or missing it… View Article


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