Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Time and Suffering #890 

Published on July 15, 2022 Written by

In the past, when I’ve anticipated things, at times I’ve built in anxiety with the anticipation. Whether hosting an event, giving a keynote, or learning something new, I can turn the preparation into a stress filled process.  When I step back and consider what’s happening, it’s all about my mental process.  When I believe I… View Article

Seven Times #889 

Published on July 14, 2022 Written by

A freeing thought for you.   EOS® tells us people need to hear things seven times to hear it the first time.  You can hear that and be frustrated with the repetition or joy that once you’ve repeated yourself enough, it will sink in.  Another possibility?  Accepting this as true may be a doorway to newfound… View Article

Getting Involved #888 

Published on July 13, 2022 Written by

Benjamin Franklin said “tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”  How many times do we as leaders tell or teach people and land in frustration when those we’ve told or taught don’t execute in the way we’d expected?  If I was a betting person, I’d say it’s… View Article

Where You Go, They Go #887 

Published on July 12, 2022 Written by

It’s that simple.   When you look at your relationships, do you see your results?   It’s the quickest path to your own personal growth and professional development. When you fully appreciate people show up exactly how you are, you have everything you need.  Feedback is available 100% of the time, if you’re willing to own what’s… View Article

Don’t Get Trapped #886  

Published on July 11, 2022 Written by

There’s a binary trap I fall into, and when I do, the world around me follows the same path.   My trap looks like this:  Fear / Love  Good / Bad  Fair / Unfair  Pain / Growth  Right / Wrong  Scarcity / Abundance  You get the idea. When I’m on the left side of the trap,… View Article

Top 10 Ways to Hack Negative Reactions #885 

Published on July 8, 2022 Written by

When things seem complex, overwhelming, and out of control, going inward is one of my most effective responses to the moment.  Time on a paddleboard makes space for peace to permeate my thinking and body.  Reading allows me to expand my thinking and return to logic when emotions are high.  Writing allows me to see… View Article

Embracing Interruptions #884 

Published on July 7, 2022 Written by

 Do you have a structured work week? I do, and most of the time it helps me stay on track, ensure I’m doing all the right things to connect, fulfill my promises, and have enough space for all we couldn’t predict. Mostly, it works.    And then, life happens.   There are interruptions and changes. Sometimes, it’s… View Article

Deep Dive Thinking #883 

Published on July 6, 2022 Written by

If you’re following along with us this week, the reasoning behind the deep dive into independence and freedom this week is prompted by our Maximizing Success Journal. In the spirit of abundance minded contribution, I’d like to share the questions from these two weeks to ponder and inspire your own thinking. Of course, if you’d… View Article

If It’s To Be, It’s Up To Me #882 

Published on July 5, 2022 Written by

In my meandering thoughts about freedom and independence for this US holiday week, two thoughts occurred to me:  There’s power in numbers. When you’re the majority, you must organize, you must get out. You must vote and you must let your voice be heard. There is no space to sit back anymore. We’ve done that… View Article

Independence and Freedom #881 

Published on July 4, 2022 Written by

Independence (freedom, liberation, autonomy, sovereignty, liberty)  Freedom (Independence, liberty, autonomy, sovereignty, openness)  The fourth of July represents both freedom and independence and I’m struggling with the hypocrisy in the United States right now.  Having a 50-year life-saving constitutional right revoked challenges the very definition of the values our country was founded on.   While we pause… View Article


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