Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Let Go to Grow #830 

Published on April 22, 2022 Written by

Simplification is power.  In our business, we’ve taken several runs at hiring a position and altered everything we could think of to do it well. It didn’t work.  What we failed to do was realize perhaps we need a different position! We actually have the talent to do what we thought we needed and will… View Article

Transitions #829 

Published on April 21, 2022 Written by

Life transitions. They’re messy.   As I embrace a disruptive period in my life right now, I’m realizing the practices I’ve had, the things that worked up until about six months ago and the experience I’ve had is no longer the same.  My health is important to me. As of my early 40s, I made a… View Article

Seasonal Changes #828 

Published on April 20, 2022 Written by

As a Minnesotan, I appreciate the seasonal changes that come with changing weather.   In the Winter, I find myself more focused on work with intermittent trips to warm weather to thaw my thinking and remind me of what’s ahead. I enjoy the focus I have on being productive and ending my days cozy and warm… View Article

Igniting Intentional Greatness® #827 

Published on April 19, 2022 Written by

I love the word wealth.  For me, it describes an all-encompassing word for abundance; not singularly focused on money, it’s entirely broader than that category, though it’s included.  When I come from lack – of time, energy, money, health, joy, opportunity, clarity, gratitude, understanding, my peace and enthusiasm for life diminishes, because my interpretation is… View Article

Life Changing Approach for Your To-Do List #826 

Published on April 18, 2022 Written by

Dividing your “to do” list.   Have you ever done it?   We do this with issues in EOS® and help companies keep their priorities in check. It’s always exhilarating to cruise through many items and find out we’ve solved many and when reprioritized, there are relatively few left to focus on in the near term.  It’s… View Article

Appreciation Revolution #825 

Published on April 15, 2022 Written by

One of the finest things we can do is to tell someone how fabulous they are.   It costs nothing.  It’s a love language.  It’s a great habit. People actively respond to hearing sincere words of appreciation.  We’re starved for it.  If you do it 7x more than you criticize, people will seek your feedback with… View Article

Approaching Problems with Curiosity #824 

Published on April 14, 2022 Written by

I’m a committed Delta traveler. I ask my team to book Delta every time we can, and in fact we push back on other carriers.  I’m a fan in a big way.  Until this year. There have been delays.   Many of them.  Offhandedly, I mentioned this in a kind way to an attendant recently.  Two… View Article

The First Step to Peace #823 

Published on April 13, 2022 Written by

Have you ever thought about how little your opinion matters?  I have. I’m not speaking to you specifically; I’m speaking about the collective.  Opinion is really the lowest form of commentary.   You don’t have to understand all that’s occurring or consider facts or consequences. You really have no accountability other than spewing what you believe… View Article

Pause Before You Do Anything #822 

Published on April 12, 2022 Written by

A great share in the wake of all that’s surrounding us right now:  Morgan Freeman said:  “Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery.  You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else.  Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life.  Don’t allow your… View Article

Reset Your Day Using This Statement #821 

Published on April 11, 2022 Written by

The quote “live the way you want to be remembered” got my attention today.   What if we all were on this page?  How would my actions differ from what I’m currently doing? What would I focus on? What would it mean to those around me?  What if I truly considered life as a tragedy? In… View Article


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