Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Life Unfolding #840 

Published on May 6, 2022 Written by

The signs are there.   Can you see them?  When you’re present, it’s like entering the Matrix.   Everything slows down.   The pieces of the puzzle emerge and assemble themselves into a new, vibrant picture of what’s possible.   The picture isn’t accessible without letting go of where you are. It means leaving what’s comfortable, predictable, and has… View Article

On Purpose #839 

Published on May 5, 2022 Written by

What does it mean to be intentional?  One of the definitions is to be “done on purpose.”  Asking the question about how much you do “on purpose” is an interesting one. Some people answer quickly with of course, however, when you slow to hear the verbiage, it begs the question, what is your purpose?  I… View Article

Surrendering #838 

Published on May 4, 2022 Written by

The good news with age is a level of certainty when disruption is happening.   Because I’ve weathered hard things and experienced the challenges that come with the pain of growth personally and professionally, I find I’m able to accept the pain with a grounded approach to weathering the turmoil.  I have peace in my heart… View Article

More To Come #837 

Published on May 3, 2022 Written by

Conferences are great opportunities for learning, connecting, and growing. They’re also hard work.  I returned from the EOS Worldwide conference overfilled with action items and emotion.  What surfaced for me during the many terrific workshops was a mixed bag of internal turmoil and emotion.   I was overfull from great content certainly, and beyond that was… View Article

Be Patient #836 

Published on May 2, 2022 Written by

Ask yourself: what is really important?  Be patient…  Then have the wisdom and courage to build your life around the answer. 

Don’t Wait #835 

Published on April 29, 2022 Written by

Don’t wait to:  Love yourself  Relax  Tip well for good service  Listen intently   Appreciate others   Find peace   Challenge the status quo  Lose the naysayers  Share vulnerability  Follow your heart  Honor your word  Find joy and happiness  Make time for yourself Learn something new  See the best in people (even when it’s not easy)  Forgive yourself … View Article

One Shot #834 

Published on April 28, 2022 Written by

What if we all lived each day the way we want to be remembered?  What choices would you make differently?  Who would you include?  What would you do?  Where would you go?  How would you approach situations differently?  What would you focus on and how would you approach each situation?  Reminder: life isn’t a dress… View Article

Sitting With It #833 

Published on April 27, 2022 Written by

I’m a problem solver. When faced with a challenge, my natural tendency is to do something about it ASAP. It’s uncomfortable to sit with a challenge and not DO something about it.  I’ve conditioned myself to respond quickly and release the pressure of things not working or feel productive moving forward with progress of some… View Article

Food For Thought #832 

Published on April 26, 2022 Written by

Are you kind to yourself?   Most leaders hold themselves to high standards. Often, they set a higher bar for themselves than for those around them.  It’s a curious thing.  Most of us could benefit from compassion for ourselves as well as extending it to others. Our ability to respect boundaries, set limits, and challenge ourselves… View Article

What Versus How #831 

Published on April 25, 2022 Written by

When you’re setting goals, you’re asking a “what” question.   What does done look like? What outcome are you seeking? We’re asking specifically what has been accomplished when you get to the end of your promise.  Where many people get hung up is in the “how.”  A need to know the exact path, consider all the… View Article


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