Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Transforming Reactions to Learning #975 

Published on November 18, 2022 Written by

Sometimes I react. I’m not proud of it, but I do it.  Learning to pause when emotion overtakes logic is a journey I’ve been on for many years. I’ve gotten great practice in my work, yet I’m a work in progress every day.  This quote from Ram Dass reminds me the work I’m doing is… View Article

Entering The Danger #974 

Published on November 17, 2022 Written by

This time of year, I have the honor of guiding people through deep team health work.   It’s often challenging for the teams as most of us aren’t fluent in offering feedback, discussing friction between us, or receiving appreciation well.    As one leader courageously offered in a recent session “I don’t feel heard…” the team missed… View Article

Help, I’m Stumped #973 

Published on November 16, 2022 Written by

Some of you have asked about whether there will be a celebration at the end of 1,000 blogs. Others have asked me if I’ll continue beyond blog 1,000.   Celebrating at blog 1,000 has got me stumped. I’m not a person who lacks ideas or reasons to celebrate, so it’s prompted some thinking for me as… View Article

The Truth Sets You Free #972 

Published on November 15, 2022 Written by

One of our core values is “doing work you love with people you love.”  This is meaningful to our incredible team to measure behavioral accountability, AND we use it in assessing our clients as well.   It causes us to reflect on our attention to their needs, special things that make their experience as good as… View Article

No Bad Days #976 

Published on November 14, 2022 Written by

I was talking with a client, and she told me about a conversation worth making contagious.  She was outside one of her team’s offices and overheard part of an interview which caused her to pause and reflect. The potential employee asked the leader what a bad day was like for him at the company.  His… View Article

Doing the Hard Work #975 

Published on November 11, 2022 Written by

“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.” – Henry Ford  As I take my clarity breaks, I’m learning to slow down my thinking. It’s about going deep with what’s essential versus trying to boil the ocean.  In my quest, I’m learning to search for… View Article

Who’s Listening? #974

Published on November 10, 2022 Written by

I’d like to believe I’m a good listener. When I delve into learning about listening, it seems I’m always reminded of how to be better. As I’m reminded, I have plenty of room for improvement and will likely work on this for the rest of my life. I found infinite room for improvement in this… View Article

Don’t Miss the Sunrise #973  

Published on November 9, 2022 Written by

As teams get healthier, they become more willing to talk about the friction within their team and company.   In the beginning, teams often hesitate to say what’s really going on, they’re indirect, cloaking their message with too many words, often diluting the real message.  As leaders mature through our work together, they see their success… View Article

On Busyness #972  

Published on November 8, 2022 Written by

My world is filled with working with leaders daily.   Everyone is busy.   Everyone.  Some of them forget that from time to time.  Additionally, they forget “busy” is a choice.   We do the things we want to do. That’s it.  Saying we’re busy, using it as a shield to hide behind is shorthand for “not important… View Article

Don’t Rush to Fill the Space #971  

Published on November 7, 2022 Written by

As I look at our extended fall in Minnesota, I’m grateful for warm temperatures lingering into November. For those of you who believe we live in parkas year-round, one of our best times of year is the autumnal splendor with its colors and beauty. This year, we’ve received the gift of an extended season, though… View Article


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