Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Optimizing Feedback (Part 2) #959 

Published on October 20, 2022 Written by

When feedback is offered, ensuring people are prepared to do it well is important.  If those people observing offer feedback to balance and improve the outcome, it’s most helpful. The framework of working and not working is useful if you spend equal time in both categories.  Often, people offer more ways to improve than the… View Article

Optimizing Feedback (Part 1) #958 

Published on October 19, 2022 Written by

Recently I was redesigning some training to make it more interactive. I knew it would be messy.  It was.  When it came time for feedback, we followed our pattern of asking “what worked and what didn’t work.” We waited until the end of a 15-hour day to exchange feedback.  The day ended with ratings from… View Article

Unintentional Fire Drills #957 

Published on October 18, 2022 Written by

Early in my career, a co-worker had a sign posted on her cube. It was a simple phrase and it stuck with me.  Part of the reason it stuck was she took great pride in referencing it when people entered her space with their “emergencies” tossing them into her lap hoping she’d embrace the concern… View Article

Finding Peace #956 

Published on October 17, 2022 Written by

Communication is an art.   Most of us operate as if others understand the world exactly as we do. This is the problem.  No one else sees, experiences, and feels the world exactly the same as you do.  Ever.  This is what gives our world texture, grit, beauty, and richness.   When we forget this, we think… View Article

Transitions and Acceptance #955 

Published on October 14, 2022 Written by

I was recently at a retreat at Wild Rice Retreat Center in Bayfield, Wisconsin. (Please go there, it’s an amazing gem nestled on the shores of Lake Superior.)  It was rejuvenating and timely for me. Personally, I’m working through a transition. It’s my own Phase Next approaching, I can sense it in many ways. Some… View Article

Smaller Steps #954 

Published on October 13, 2022 Written by

It’s hard for me to go slow. In fact, I can’t help myself.   Sometimes it gets me in trouble. I’ve had times where I can see the approaching problem, but I’m there so early others don’t buy in, aren’t ready to solve or prevent it or simply don’t believe what’s crystal clear to me.   When… View Article

Getting Unstuck #953 

Published on October 12, 2022 Written by

Have no single point of failure and no single path to success.  If there’s only one way, chances are there’s no way.  When I watch teams become rigid in their thinking, momentum stops. Progress happens with flexibility and fluidity.   When you’re clear on your Why and What, the How can flex based on all you… View Article

Patience and Unlearning #952 

Published on October 11, 2022 Written by

James Clear said, “The brilliance of the stars would be invisible without the vast darkness of space behind them.   Do not wish away the difficult portions of life. They provide the contrast needed to appreciate the joyful moments.”   We’ve heard it and we know it. Without each end of the continuum, we’d never appreciate… View Article

Reflection, Preparation and Pacing #951 

Published on October 10, 2022 Written by

There’s something about fall that renews my spirit.  It’s a time of reflection, preparation (for winter for the Midwesterners) and pace adjustments.  It is a time when I’m most active and mirrors spring in the temperature and lack of humidity.  I enjoy the crisp mornings and seem to enjoy the sunny days more as they’re… View Article

95% to Goal #950 of 1000 

Published on October 7, 2022 Written by

I haven’t missed a day. It seems both remarkable and also as if I’ve just begun. Focusing forward on completion seems like a no brainer, though it’s not. I realize getting casual with my thinking and practices is a slippery slope. Mastery requires discipline. Structure creates freedom.   For those of you playing along, I check… View Article


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