Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Graceful Evolution #920 

Published on August 26, 2022 Written by

Letting go gracefully is an art. It’s not easy to “end” a relationship, a career, or anything else you’ve done long enough to call it habitual.  As I work with teams and evaluate my own experience, when something you’ve been committed to is ending as you know it, your feelings compete with your thoughts resulting… View Article

Letting Go of the Predictable #919 

Published on August 25, 2022 Written by

When I go to a new restaurant, I have a favorite question I ask of the server which almost always lends to an incredible experience – with the food and the service.  After some dialogue and rapport building with the server, I’ll ask them what their favorite menu items are. If they’re aligned with my… View Article

Two Paths #918 

Published on August 24, 2022 Written by

There are two paths leaders can take. One is a mile wide and an inch deep or an inch wide and a mile deep.   Doing a little bit of a lot of things can be exciting, offering a variety of opportunities, like sampling from the buffet table of what could be possible. This approach can… View Article

When Opportunities Abound #917 

Published on August 23, 2022 Written by

When opportunities surround you in business and life, it’s tempting to say yes to everything. It can feel like the faucet is open and it’s your turn to take a drink, grab a bucket, and bathe in the abundance.  Over time you can lose momentum and become reactive, waiting to respond expecting the opportunities to… View Article

Two Traps Every Leader Faces #916 

Published on August 22, 2022 Written by

Great leaders do hard things. They know pressure is the price of sitting at that table.  When you hesitate and deliberate when it’s time for action, you put your team and your company at risk. That’s not to say leaders should act without thought and doing their due diligence.  Where people issues are concerned, our… View Article

Daily Gratitude Questions #915 

Published on August 19, 2022 Written by

Some great thinking went into these questions, and I thought I’d share them. These came from Thrive Global. We’ve been fortunate to be a consistent contributor in their space, so we wanted to offer 5 Daily Gratitude Questions to Ask Yourself Each Night as a precursor for a new offering on the way.  Our 30-day… View Article

Let Go and Grow #914  

Published on August 18, 2022 Written by

Transitions are always growth opportunities in action.  As I look forward, I know letting go of what’s been a constant, predictable, and consistent source of growth, learning, and joy is part of a necessary transition to get to the next place.  I can’t hang onto what I’ve always done and at the same time emerge… View Article

Passions at Play #913 

Published on August 17, 2022 Written by

Recognizing passion is a gift.  When people do what they love, it shows; and it’s contagious. While this is rewarding as an adult it’s even more inspiring to see it in those you love.  Our friends next door have a 6-year-old, his name is Edison. Eddy has a passion for Rubik’s Cubes. He doesn’t just… View Article

Pause #912 

Published on August 16, 2022 Written by

When there seem to be a thousand things happening and you can only focus on the next few days, it’s worthwhile to pause and reflect on all that’s been accomplished.  Looking backward, you can see the progress, the massive amount of all that’s being completed.  Wow.   Do I allow myself to fully appreciate all that… View Article

You Deserve It #911 

Published on August 15, 2022 Written by

The best thing about letting go of email is the time you get back in your bank account.  As I look at the number of hours I’ve reclaimed since July, I can easily say I have five to ten additional hours to reallocate.   The question I have to remind myself of during this unlearning period… View Article


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