Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

The Whole Sky #1045 

Published on February 24, 2023 Written by

“Even after all this time  The Sun never says to the Earth,  ‘You owe me.’  Look what happens with a love like that,  It lights the whole sky.”   – Hafiz  When I’m still, this passage reminds me of the love surrounding me.  May we all seek to love this way. 

Worth Exploration #1044 

Published on February 23, 2023 Written by

A few years ago, I had the great fortune of seeing Ben Zander perform live as the closing keynote for a conference I was attending.  It was one of the most memorable experiences in leadership I’ve had. I’m grateful for the lessons and the beautiful and unique way his passion and mastery taught with and… View Article

Said and Done #1043 

Published on February 22, 2023 Written by

It’s always wonderful when you can read something, and it wakes you up.  Simply said and makes the point.   A great reminder every day.  Here it is:  “Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn.” 

Appreciating Today #1042 

Published on February 21, 2023 Written by

Today, the wisdom of Mary Jean Irion inspired me.  Simple thoughts we can appreciate when life is complex. She reminded me to pause and appreciate now.  Enjoy:  “Normal day  Let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you… View Article

Simply Profound #1041 

Published on February 20, 2023 Written by

Wisdom can be found in places you wouldn’t expect, like Dr. Suess books and nursery rhymes.  As I sat to write this blog, I stumbled upon a picture of the words to a nursery rhyme most of us have heard over and over.   When I read it today, the sing-song lyrics played between my ears… View Article

The Feelings Follow #1040 

Published on February 17, 2023 Written by

In many ways, I rely on reframing my mindset to do hard things.  When a cardinal shows up outside my window, I know Mahtab is with me and all is well.  When good things happen amidst challenges, I focus on them rather than the challenge and it fuels me forward.  When I’d rather not exercise,… View Article

They’re Not the Same #1039 

Published on February 16, 2023 Written by

Options and choices. They’re not the same.  Most people use the words interchangeably. They’re not the same.  Options are what you’re relegated to when you don’t choose.  Choice is deciding or selecting amongst everything available. You’re basing your decision on what’s available from the maximum possibilities. It’s abundant, powerful, and forward-looking. You’re moving toward something…. View Article

Perspective Worth Cultivating #1038 

Published on February 15, 2023 Written by

“This is the beginning of a new day.   You have been given this day to use as you will.  You can waste it or use it for good.  What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.  When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever.  In… View Article

Isn’t It Time? #1037 

Published on February 14, 2023 Written by

In a recent workshop I attended, we were guided to think of where anxiety showed up in our body. Becoming curious about where stress shows up physically requires some thought. Most of us in the room had our logical explanations, but weren’t necessarily connected to where it actually manifested in our bodies.  We’d reasoned our… View Article

The Precious Present #1036 

Published on February 13, 2023 Written by

Returning from time away is always bittersweet.  I know it’s been a great trip when I’m ready to go home, and also happy to have been away. That sweet spot of the trip being long enough to relax and the peace of returning to my own space, sleeping in my own bed, and seeing my… View Article


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