March 19, 2021 5:07 am Published by

When something shows up repeatedly in my world, I realize quickly it’s a message, not a random event. I treat feedback the same way. Instead of reacting to each message and questioning myself, I’ve learned to seek patterns – both working and not working. 

This pattern recently showed itself: do you need help with burn out, stress and the emergence from winter for yourself or your teams?  Though it’s been a mostly manageable season in Minnesota, we’re at varying degrees of cabin fever as spring begins.  

My remedy? The acronym SAVERS – which comes from Hal Elrod’s book The Miracle Morning. Whether you do this in the morning as part of your routine or use it as a filter to see what you need more of and what you might be missing or avoiding, it works. Here’s the definition: 

S = silence (or meditation) 

A = affirmation (or gratitude) 

V = visualization (seeing your future turning out successfully in technicolor) 

E = exercise (intentional movement) 

R = reading (inspirational or otherwise, continuous learning) 

S = scribing (writing, journaling or clarity breaks) 

Doubtful? Try it. There’s also an inspirational group led by Brianna Greenspan on Clubhouse if you want to jumpstart your day with this! 
