October 1, 2024 7:54 am Published by

Building and scaling a business is hard work. When you have the right strategy – or “recipe” to follow, the actions you take are more like “ingredients” to enhance what’s happening.  

I was asked in a recent interview “if there was a magic ‘reset’ button as it relates to starting your business, what systems would you go back and put into place sooner rather than later and why?” 

I replied, I would focus not on systems, but on finding the right people to surround myself with, not trying to do it all myself. To quote Lencioni “if you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.” Then, and only then, would I have systems follow from those who have the “right” expertise and ultimately “systemize the predictable so we can humanize the exceptional” – Isadore Smith from the Four Seasons.  

During this time of year, I spend quite a bit of time with leaders doing their strategic planning. The quotes above guide our work and provide a context for excellence that’s unparalleled.  

If you’re ready to get cooking, these are the best ingredients I’ve found for a winning recipe. 
