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111 Showing People You Care #519

Published on February 11, 2021 Written by

How do we appreciate people?  With Valentine’s day right around the corner, it’s a great question to ask.   Regardless of our manufactured holidays, most of us offer love and appreciation in the same way we’d like to receive it, which often doesn’t work.   Gary Chapman’s work, The Five Love Languages helps us do better and his work with Dr. Paul White helps… View Article

111 Becoming A Bridge #518

Published on February 10, 2021 Written by

Meaningful dialog changes outcomes.  It can alter the message and the messenger. Often, we miss the openings and are too busy with our own agenda to hear the other person’s pain, challenge, or the exact message being conveyed because we are triggered (emotionally hijacked) by some part of what’s being said.  My daughters were having a tough conversation… View Article

111 When In Doubt #517

Published on February 9, 2021 Written by

Do you ever seek advice when you already know the answer? You know, the right answer. For YOU, not the right answer for others.  Me too.   There are great questions to ask when people seek you for advice, here are a few:  What do you think?  If you knew the answer, what would it be? … View Article

111 Another Turn Around The Sun #516

Published on February 8, 2021 Written by

Birthdays are funny, they are a wonderful and commemorative way to reflect on what a difference a year can make.  2020 is one for the books for most of us.   Certainly, there have been as many highlights as challenges, yet the older I get, the more the years seem to accelerate and bring the preciousness… View Article

111 Now or Later, Your Choice #515

Published on February 5, 2021 Written by

“People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.” John Wanamaker said this and I agree with him.  I’ve heard “I’m tired of the pandemic” all too often in the past two months. Really? Me too.  So what?  If that’s the case, we all need to wake up and find more recreation.  … View Article

111 Need More Time? #514

Published on February 4, 2021 Written by

Abundance.   It’s an easy word and concept to grasp. It’s MORE than enough. Dictionary.com describes it as “fullness to overflowing.”  Seems simple enough. Until I think about time. It’s one of the greatest areas to improve relative to my own growth.  There are moments where it seems there is more than enough time, then there are the moments I stress myself… View Article

111 Do You Need A Reset? #513

Published on February 3, 2021 Written by

Do you need a reset? Me too.  Whenever I hit the wall or find life starts to look, sound and feel routine, I know it’s time to check in.  How do I do it?   We’ve created a short course (takes less than an hour and can be split up over several days or weeks) to help you.  If you’re feeling like you’re… View Article

111 Don’t Do The Same Thing #512

Published on February 2, 2021 Written by

Do you need to shake up your routine?  The more people I talk with right now, the more I’m hearing how their days blend into one another. Granted, we live in Minnesota and winter is more of a challenge than summer during this pandemic year.  What can you do?   Get creative.   Think about what you can do… View Article

111 Your Next Is Now #511

Published on February 1, 2021 Written by

It’s time to check in.   How are you doing with your 2021 resolutions or intentions?  If you are going strong: Awesome, amazing and kudos. Discipline is your backbone and you’ve got a great streak going. Whether it was sober January, new exercise habits, meditation, journaling, sleep or a hobby, congratulations! For some of us, participating in the Whole Life Challenge (https://www.wholelifechallenge.com/) is a concert… View Article

111 The Pace of Change #510

Published on January 29, 2021 Written by

“Communication is a contact sport. Connect. Speak one-on-one, even in a group of 100. Make them care. Smile. Be plain-spoken and persuasive. Learn how others see you. Be a storyteller. Take advantage of unplanned humor. Keep it simple, sweetheart. Safe is a dangerous place to be – get outside your comfort zone. Have a point… View Article


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