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111 Transforming Thinking #678 

Published on September 22, 2021 Written by

When things are challenging, do you dwell on them?  Me too. At least some of the time.  What can you do to reframe your thinking? You can begin by taking responsibility. Reframing your thinking is exactly that – owning the thoughts as your own, not the truth.  Your experience in the world is only a… View Article

111 Only Growth #677 

Published on September 21, 2021 Written by

How much of my self-worth is tied up in what I do/produce?  My immediate response: too much.  In fact, it might be how I measure all my worth based on what I do/have done.  The good news, I can change that. What if I tweaked my thinking to offer the world something more valuable? What… View Article

111 Beautiful Friend #676 

Published on September 20, 2021 Written by

She said “I never thought I’d make new friends, let alone a best friend, later in life.” And then it happened.  We didn’t seek each other as friends, we met and learned about each other through WPO. She was an amazing listener, wise beyond her years and always offered forwarding comments, learning and connection. She made everyone feel… View Article

111 Where Does Your Energy Come From? #675 

Published on September 17, 2021 Written by

What are your most important sources of energy?  In learning to work with your own natural pace, preferences, productive times, and patterns, have you slowed to observe yourself?  It’s a worthy exercise. I took the time to pay attention when my life was falling apart in what seemed all ways. I’d recommend doing it before that happens… View Article

111 Begin Here #674 

Published on September 16, 2021 Written by

Purpose. It’s a big word and a deep well providing energy, resilience, and grit when you need it.  Do you know your purpose? Do you know your company’s purpose?   If not, it’s some of the most important work we do during our EOS journey, and it’s not always ready to be articulated.  That doesn’t mean… View Article

111 Hack Yourself to Focus #673 

Published on September 15, 2021 Written by

What’s the hardest thing?  Is it research? Is it starting? Is it following through, dotting I’s and crossing T’s? Or is it something else?  Whatever it is, here are two approaches to gaining momentum:  Start with the hardest thing at the time of day where your energy is highest, and you are most motivated. Turn off all electronic distractions… View Article

111 No Good Reason #672 

Published on September 14, 2021 Written by

Where does dread live?  In your mind. Where you’re catastrophizing about things that have already happened, and you can’t change them, or they are things that haven’t happened yet and you’re not looking forward to them.  You can change them, live with them, or let them go. That’s it.  Everything else is ruining this moment…. View Article

111 Decide Where You’re Going #671 

Published on September 13, 2021 Written by

Too often I’m the one in my own way.   A friend shared a quote from his mom saying, “The whole world is ready to step aside if you know where you want to go.”  When you are unclear, unfocused, unsure or simply unmotivated, the world can’t step aside.  Decide.  Then take your first action forward.  Write about it every… View Article

111 Red Light, Green Light #670 

Published on September 10, 2021 Written by

I was with a number of EOS Implementers® last week and John McMahon shared a great lesson from one of his teams.   The leader of the team was challenged with the word accountability. He just didn’t like it and it wasn’t a word that worked for him when communicating with his team. It sounded like it had… View Article

111 You Are the Author #669

Published on September 9, 2021 Written by

Don’t fall in love with any part of your story.  The narrative you live any given day, any given hour is a piece of the fabric that makes us who we are.  If the story forwards you, gives you strength, inspiration, energy and momentum for what matters, share it. Repeat it often and let it guide your… View Article


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