Test Page - Page 76 of 157 - YESS!

111 All The Things #715 

Published on November 12, 2021 Written by

I’ve heard many people say they prefer experiences to things. It’s true for me as well.  Yet, in my day-to-day life, many “things” make life easier, richer, warmer and more meaningful and I am sometimes oblivious to them.  When I consider my favorite spatula which my mom used to use with all its dents, dings and partially melted handle, I can’t imagine making cookies without… View Article

111 There’s No Place Like Home #714 

Published on November 11, 2021 Written by

Throughout the pandemic, our homes have been well more than our shelter.   As I look at my home, what was once my least favorite room in our home is now my studio. It became a place to create, find comfort, pack up with my husband and dog at the end of the day and the… View Article

111 Natural Gratitude #713 

Published on November 10, 2021 Written by

There’s something healing, nurturing, and comforting in nature. Whether you consider yourself an “outdoor” person or not, immersing yourself in the woods, on the water, on a path, in the city or anywhere else offers space for you and your thoughts.  Few things are as transformative as time outdoors. Do you get outside enough? Or… View Article

111 No Longer Here #712 

Published on November 9, 2021 Written by

This time of year can be challenging for those of us who have loved ones no longer with us for any reason. As we step into the joyous traditions coupled with the stress of the holidays, remembering it’s a mixed bag emotionally for every person we encounter can help manage expectations.  Finding gratitude for those no longer… View Article

111 Who Has Shaped You? #711 

Published on November 8, 2021 Written by

When I think of who I am, how I live and the choices I make daily, I am the sum of those who have mentored, taught, and guided me directly and indirectly. Whether I consciously or unconsciously recognize it, I’m sorting what fits, makes sense and doesn’t all the time.  Some of those people in… View Article

111 Surprise Appreciation #710

Published on November 5, 2021 Written by

When’s the last time you left a love note for someone? That long, huh? Well then, it’s time. Think of the last “surprise” note you received. How’d it make you feel? Pretty awesome, right? I sometimes leave a card for my husband when I travel. I usually tuck it somewhere for him to find after… View Article

111 Three Steps to Begin a Great Day #709 

Published on November 4, 2021 Written by

Have you ever started a day and it went to hell before you were an hour into it? Me too.  I bet you’ve also had days where you awakened and felt like you could do nothing wrong, within an hour you’d determined it could be one of the best days of your life. Me too.  In either case, you can… View Article

222 Smart Start Interview Questions

Published on November 3, 2021 9:05 pm Written by

Question Set 2: What specifically do you want? How will you know when you have achieved this? Under what circumstances, when or with whom do you want to have this? When you achieve this, what else will improve? Will anything else be at risk? What impact will this have on others? Which of the resources… View Article

222 Smart Start Interview Questions

Published on November 3, 2021 9:02 pm Written by

Interview Question Set 1: What is wrong, why is it an issue, problem or challenge? Why do you have this problem? How does this problem limit you? What could be the consequences of this problem remaining unsolved? Who is responsible for this problem? How do you think and feel about the situation…? What else could… View Article

222 Smart Start Workshop Questions

Published on November 3, 2021 3:02 pm Written by

Question Set 1: What is wrong, why is it an issue, problem or challenge? Why do you have this problem? How does this problem limit you? What could be the consequences of this problem remaining unsolved? Who is responsible for this problem? How do you think and feel about the situation…? What else could go… View Article


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