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111 Completion #735 

Published on December 10, 2021 Written by

Day 30 of our challenge has arrived, congratulations!  To spend 30 days in gratitude is its own reward. It goes so quickly and we’re all better for it. I encourage you to reflect on the experience of the past 30 days and take the wins and challenges with it.  What do you notice? How are you… View Article

111 You At Your Best #734 

Published on December 9, 2021 Written by

How would you describe yourself at your best?   Day 29: If you’ve never done this exercise, consider making time to write it down. Think of a time when you were at your best, how would you describe yourself?   Once you have the list, asterisk the top three words which describe you at your best in your… View Article

111 It’s The Thought That Counts #733 

Published on December 8, 2021 Written by

What’s fun for you?  I love to surprise people. Whether it’s the little things for our holiday meals – each person’s favorite foods, a snack plate designed to look like a turkey or reindeer cookies, it’s fun to remind people you’re thinking of them when they don’t expect it.  I enjoy creating experiences and gifts people don’t expect, that let them know… View Article

111 2021 Wins #732 

Published on December 7, 2021 Written by

What are your biggest wins in 2021?  When you reflect back on this past weird, wonderful and complicated year, what’s been the greatest win, gift, reason to celebrate and make you smile?  Day 27:  Go ahead, take your time. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit back and reflect month by month, day by day. What stands out throughout your year? Who,… View Article

111 Who Has Your Back? #731 

Published on December 6, 2021 Written by

Teamwork. It’s so rare it’s like a superpower.  With every team I coach, we define and deepen core values. Every team has one about teamwork. Every single one.   Perhaps it’s because inherently we know we can do what I can’t.  Perhaps it’s because we know we are only as good as the people we surround ourselves… View Article

111 Relax, It’ll Be Okay #730 

Published on December 3, 2021 Written by

Do you have trouble relaxing? Me too!  Kevin tells me often there’s one thing I’m poor at – relaxing. He’s observed that the only time I truly relax is when we travel. When I’m physically away from home, I do a better job, not always perfect, but I certainly work less.  He’s right. Resting and… View Article

111 What’s Your Menu? #729 

Published on December 2, 2021 Written by

The older I get, the more I appreciate my health.  Being of support to others or observing couples and families or work teams as they navigate health challenges has been one of the most sobering experiences in my life.   To be on the sidelines, feeling out of control, knowing your family and friends are fighting… View Article

111 Love Languages #728 

Published on December 1, 2021 Written by

There’s a great book by Gary Chapman and Paul White called The Five Love Languages at Work. It’s based on Chapman’s work about how we each give and receive appreciation differently. He’s got iterations of the book for couples, teens and one for those of us seeking to do a better job at work.  The five languages include: Words… View Article

111 Walk Tenderly #727 

Published on November 30, 2021 Written by

Growing up, I didn’t have the perspective to appreciate the traditions my parents had in place. I didn’t appreciate them fully until I had my own kids.  Though I was aware, it was out of blending a family I learned how to create and also maintain traditions. Some need to change, some need to be… View Article

111 Pieces of a Puzzle #726 

Published on November 29, 2021 Written by

I’ve written about it before, but it’s all about the little things. There are no big things, it’s a series of little things in alignment.   Whether in business, a family or community, when we’re aligned for all the right reasons sharing a common outcome or goal, we each can contribute our highest and best skills to… View Article


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