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111 Are You In The Way? #409

Published on September 10, 2020 Written by

Three simple rules in life:  If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.   If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.   If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.  When it seems things are chaotic and changing, how can these three rules cut through the clutter and help you move forward a little… View Article

111 11 Things You Can Control During Change #408

Published on September 9, 2020 Written by

2020 keeps pushing us, it is a year of change and discomfort. Change and discomfort provide the perfect environment for learning. Learning is where we can get better and wiser…if we choose to.  I have talked about staying focused on the intersection of the things that matter and the things you can control (blog #344). Let’s dissect this a bit, because every so often (hourly… View Article

111 Can You Value Both Worlds #407

Published on September 8, 2020 Written by

Can You Value Both Worlds? #407  Some of us are settling into our home offices in a new way. Me, I’m upgrading mine.   Prior to the Spring of 2020, my home office would’ve been at the bottom of my list for renovations and investment, I spent most of my days with leadership teams at my office or in their cities…. View Article

111 People Are Watching #406

Published on September 7, 2020 Written by

“One day you will tell your story of how you’ve overcome what you’re going through now, and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide.”  When you think of your life and legacy, do you realize you are being observed?  As a leader, you must realize you are always being observed. Whether you’re aware of it… View Article

111 When You’re Ready #405

Published on September 4, 2020 Written by

I heard it enough times I finally did it.  If you’ve heard when you want something, write it down, it works.  If you’ve heard  that once it’s written you should put it in front of you where you’ll see it every day and consciously or unconsciously you will register it, recognize it and be working on it,… View Article

111 100% #404

Published on September 3, 2020 Written by

Have you ever had an experience where it seems time stopped?  I know you have. This is the experience of being fully present. Does it happen often in your world?  If not, it’s time to pause.   Who gets 100% of you? You know, 100% of your undivided attention. Yep, 100%. UN-divided.  If you’re searching for an answer, if any… View Article

111 Why Did I Do It That Way #403

Published on September 2, 2020 Written by

Why Did I Do It That Way? August is a great time of year. It’s always been the month for school shopping, last vacations, enjoying the long, hot, dog days of summer and the State Fair. When the State Fair is over, it symbolizes the end to the summer in my world.   Only this year, there is no State… View Article

111 Empty Your Inbox #402

Published on September 1, 2020 Written by

Email. It can be the bane of our existence, but it’s necessary, right?  Or is it?  In the past year, I’ve diminished my email significantly. How? Here’s what I did:  I took part of a Sunday and did a massive overhaul while clearing my inbox. I had to repeat this a second time because it… View Article

111 Until The Unsaid Is Spoken #401

Published on August 31, 2020 Written by

An unenforced rule is not a rule; it’s a suggestion. Keith Cunningham  If you’re a leader who desires to create a thriving culture, you must enforce consequences. With growth, we need more structure, and structure creates freedom.   That’s right, when you know what the rules are, you can play the game. If you think you’re… View Article

111 40% TO GOAL #400

Published on August 28, 2020 Written by

40%. For whatever reason, that number feels significant. While I’m not quite halfway, I’m close and haven’t missed a day, so I believe it will happen – reaching 1,000 daily blog posts as challenged by Seth Godin.  2020 has certainly provided quite a number of topics to write about, and, the very nature of change this year offered many… View Article


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