Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

80% To Goal #800 

Published on March 11, 2022 Written by

Blog 800… YAY!  For those of you playing along, I check in every 50 posts to take a macro look and document what I’m learning through this process of writing 1,000 blogs. I took Seth Godin’s challenge from this blog post and am grateful I did, I agree with him, the first 1,000 are the most difficult. … View Article

Commitment #799 

Published on March 10, 2022 Written by

We’re reading a challenging book in our book study right now.   Though we’re only two weeks into it, I’m lost.  I’m realizing the author has an incredible command of the English language, which means I need a dictionary handy when reading. The more I look up the words, the more frustrated I become.  Knowing I’m… View Article

Look Again #798 

Published on March 9, 2022 Written by

When you feel defeated, everything takes longer.   How do you wrangle in your thinking to find the goodness and possibility when it seems things outside your control continue to erode?  It requires looking at where you’ve been, reconsidering what’s possible and creating space to think about what’s occurring from another angle, a different perspective and… View Article

Move With Intention #797 

Published on March 8, 2022 Written by

I began watching the news (after swearing it off more than a year ago) to stay informed about the war in the Ukraine. It’s not lost on me that my mood is heavier, and I also find myself pulled to learn more, all under the guise of wanting to stay “up to date” with any… View Article

No To Mediocrity #796 

Published on March 7, 2022 Written by

Today I felt defeated when I woke up.   Looking at the war in the Ukraine, the unrest in our city, and a whole host of other situations in my life and work that feel mediocre.  It’s not one thing, it’s many things.   And the kinder, gentler world we seem to be emerging into feels like… View Article

Removing The Toxins #795 

Published on March 4, 2022 Written by

As seen in the Morning Brew (one of my favorite resources for the news of the day in short form) , we’re sharing this lovely snippet in support of the Ukraine:  “Ukraine is known as the “breadbasket of Europe” thanks to its prodigious supply of wheat. But where it truly shines is in sunflower cultivation:… View Article

IRL #794 

Published on March 3, 2022 Written by

Connective tissue.  The times you can walk down the hall, grab a quick conversation, overhear someone managing a meeting or interaction, stop by and make someone’s day a bit brighter don’t happen online.  Though our efficiency and effectiveness are improved, learning sometimes happens in the spaces in between.  For our middle managers, those new to… View Article

The Labyrinth #793 

Published on March 2, 2022 Written by

My daughter Ali and I recently walked a labyrinth together. It was a moving experience. I’ve walked labyrinths before, yet this time was special.  We both set our intentions before walking, I entered first and asked for a powerful lesson, one I couldn’t miss. Message received.  I entered first, walking in a measured gate as… View Article

Collisions #792 

Published on March 1, 2022 Written by

You can learn a lot watching people.  When travel fails, service is slow, people make mistakes, you wait in line, or stay on hold too long. Name the situation and you’ll see another side of people emerge.  Sometimes grace is the greatest gift in the situation.  Great opportunities occur during the collisions between our expectations… View Article

Decide #791 

Published on February 28, 2022 Written by

Follow your dreams.   There’s no right time, place, or event to signify where and when. You simply need to hear the call and feel the longing in your soul, then respond.  When it nags at you, pay attention.   Two paths are available: you can ignore it or act.   When you ignore it, over time it… View Article


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