Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Could, Would, Should #1035 

Published on February 10, 2023 Written by

Could, would, should. They’re different and we often co-mingle them or treat them the same.  In terms of working with clients, trying new experiences, and learning new things, asking the right question will offer improved results:  Could we? Yes, is almost always the answer. It doesn’t consider the down sides of saying yes.  Would we?… View Article

Slowly But Surely #1034 

Published on February 9, 2023 Written by

January certainly seemed full.  Being from Minnesota we tend to think of January as the longest month of the year. Many of us enjoy the snow through the holidays and then jokingly (not really) say we’d like all the snow to be done and spring to arrive.  Only it doesn’t work that way.  This year,… View Article

It’s Not a Luxury #1033 

Published on February 8, 2023 Written by

Rest.   It’s an easily neglected, almost forgotten part of any self-proclaimed overachiever’s health routine.  For years, I prided myself of the high energy I came into the world with, easily going without sleep in my twenties and thirties while also maintaining my performance for days and weeks on end. It was a gift I could… View Article

Rest is Care #1032 

Published on February 7, 2023 Written by

Easing into the day.   It’s not my thing. I don’t drink coffee, though I have created a practice to begin the first 15 minutes of my day with meditation, appreciation, and envisioning success for the day which I do consistently. I continue that envisioning in the shower daily and it really works for me.  I… View Article

Space for Peace #1031  

Published on February 6, 2023 Written by

In the still of the morning, alone with my thoughts and the warm tropical wind, peaceful music, and the lack of anything to do, I can be anywhere.  My energy and focus can be with your heart, supporting the journey, the healing, the work.  I am with you in spirit, supporting the peace, love and… View Article

The Day Before Vacation #1030 

Published on February 3, 2023 Written by

It’s the day before vacation for me. It’s a combination of work and vacation, which are some of my favorite experiences. Kevin is with me, and as usual, we’re hustling to button everything up so we can disconnect and truly relax.  Dan Sullivan’s words ring in my ear every time I’m leaving.  “If we worked… View Article

Intentional Communication #1029 

Published on February 2, 2023 Written by

My career has always been about becoming a keen observer. In all ways, coaching, facilitating, and training are about learning to engage your senses to read all of what’s occurring with the people in the room, not just the words shared.  When done well, we help people gracefully work through the tough stuff. You know… View Article

In the Face of No Evidence, Declare It #1028 

Published on February 1, 2023 Written by

I was searching for some older documents recently and stumbled upon a picture I made of my leadership vision for my future. I designed this vision for when I turned 50 (I was 42 at the time, so 8 years into the future).  I’d never set such a long-range goal for myself; most goals were… View Article

Better Questions #1027 

Published on January 31, 2023 Written by

As I observe myself, clients, and friends right now, it’s intense.  It seems business is challenging, people are facing life defining situations at work and home, teams are efforting to collaborate, and very little seems easy.  We cycle together.   It’s not permanent.  How can we help each other and ask better questions?  What can we… View Article

Getting Started When You’re Stalled #1026 

Published on January 30, 2023 Written by

When things are challenging, many of us get stalled at starting and proceed to feel bad.  Once we feel bad, we justify our inaction creating stories, rationalizations, excuses, and justifications thinking our feelings are reason enough to remain stuck.  We do other things, deprioritize the “big” thing we need to do that might be new,… View Article


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