Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Normal Day #1055 

Published on March 10, 2023 Written by

I purchased framed art with this quote which seems a fitting message every day, especially today.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.   May it serve as a consistent reminder for us all.  “Normal Day  Let me be aware of the treasure you are.   Let me learn from you, love you, bless… View Article

Either Way #1054 

Published on March 9, 2023 Written by

At an onsite manager session at one of our incredible clients, Aggressive Hydraulics, the leadership team began the day refreshing their skills around leadership and management as well.  One of the resources they shared during our discussions about leadership was from The Winners Minute, which offered a great set of questions for us all to… View Article

Small Steps #1053 

Published on March 8, 2023 Written by

So far, in 2023 I’ve gotten rid of at least one box full of things I don’t use or need every week. It feels good to look for areas to remove the clutter, extra and over abundance we’ve accumulated in our lives.  As I approach new spaces, the work seems endless, yet by doing just… View Article

Making Things Right for You #1052 

Published on March 7, 2023 Written by

Quiet mornings, inspired by the sunrise, fueling the energy and enthusiasm for my day.  When I begin on my terms, silent, appreciative, envisioning what’s possible, I’m fully present and centered. I prioritize what I need, further fueling my best self.  Exercise follows naturally, it isn’t forced.  Writing, capturing my thoughts as I do right now,… View Article

No Quick Fixes #1051 

Published on March 6, 2023 Written by

Change and transformation are different.  Most of us seek transformation, but actually activate change. All transformation begins with change, yet all change doesn’t result in transformation.  Change is about more, better, different.   Often, change is incremental. If you sustain the new behavior over a significant period of time, transformation is the result. If you don’t,… View Article

One Step at a Time #1049 

Published on March 2, 2023 Written by

When I feel pulled between important things, competing commitments of what initially seem equally important, I pause.  Often, I’ll call a friend, someone I trust who offers perspective and wisdom outside my current conundrum.  I did this recently. I was conflicted between a work event I’d traveled to and needing to be home for a… View Article

You Know #1048 

Published on March 1, 2023 Written by

Dr. James Hollis offers “In the end we will only be transformed when we can recognize and accept the fact that there is a will within each of us, quite outside the range of conscious control, a will which knows what is right for us, which is repeatedly reporting to us via our bodies, emotions,… View Article

Be Nervous, Don’t be Afraid #1047 

Published on February 28, 2023 Written by

Every situation in life is transitory.  We fall into a sort of comfort with life at times thinking it should be occurring according to our plans. When we can embrace and accept the changes with grace, we become nimble, creative, and resourceful. When we bristle, thinking life should occur on our terms, we are disappointed… View Article

Emergence #1046 

Published on February 27, 2023 Written by

As I contemplate changes, I also make myself pause to think, not succumbing to the immediate emotional reactions at the surface to take me in a misdirection.  It’s been a difficult few months in my world. It’s challenging when it’s business, it’s debilitating when it’s your children.   The roller coaster continues, and my ability to… View Article


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