Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Stop the Insanity #1075 

Published on April 7, 2023 Written by

When considering communication, how do you get the results you intend with the least waste? All too often, people waste time going back and forth when they could slow down a little, consider a few things and save time, energy, frustration, and money doing better preparation.  To eliminate the wasted time, energy, frustration, and money… View Article

Never Alone #1074 

Published on April 6, 2023 Written by

One of the joys of writing a daily blog is having those who are reading it reach out from time to time with a note of reciprocity.  There’s something touching about receiving an unexpected note.  It seems as if they always arrive at the perfect time on the perfect day.  Thinking of someone taking the… View Article

Embrace It #1073 

Published on April 5, 2023 Written by

As a person over 50 years old, it’s irritating to realize all the effort placed on anti-aging results in the bias we see every day against the natural process of a life well lived.  The phrase anti-aging says it all – we’re against it.  Why? It’s happening. Whether you like it or not, aging is… View Article

Time as Currency #1072 

Published on April 4, 2023 Written by

Time is our greatest currency.  As a coach my time is my inventory.  Taking the time to understand how many days I’ll work with clients, build my business, do administrative tasks and ideate is critical to clarify what I say YESS! and no to.  Equally important is knowing how I spend my time outside of… View Article

Your Turn is Coming #1071 

Published on April 3, 2023 Written by

Teamwork = team work.  On a great team, if one person is struggling, challenged, receiving constructive feedback, or not performing well in any regard, it’s OUR job to help.   Team implies we are one.   Team means I will lock arms with you to win – even when it’s tough.  Especially when it’s tough.  When we’re… View Article

The Next Beautiful Version #1070 

Published on March 31, 2023 Written by

We’re embarking on a remodel of one level of our house. It’s exciting, AND, we’ve been down this road before in another home.  Similar to beginning anything, for me, the beginning is the best. We get to dream, envision, transform – it doesn’t matter if it’s our home or a leadership team, our business or… View Article

7 Steps to Create Connection from Division #1069 

Published on March 30, 2023 Written by

When it’s time to have difficult conversations, most people expect the worst.  Research would show, in most cases, both parties are grateful or relieved from the conversation. In fact, in a majority of situations, both parties are aware the conversation needs to happen.  In order to successfully navigate these sensitive conversations, even in the best… View Article

Intentional Connection #1068 

Published on March 29, 2023 Written by

When you’re creating connection, it’s best to be in person.  So how can you create connection within a remote working environment?  First, let’s acknowledge it is harder. You must be intentional. Being in person is easier; there are eyes to look into, feelings, body language and many other clues when you’re in person.  So, I… View Article

The Path #1067 

Published on March 28, 2023 Written by

I often say, the universe is conspiring to work with you.  When I look at my life retrospectively, like most people, I find things make better sense than when I’m in the thick of the journey.  This means, when I’m struggling, it’s likely there are other things at work in my favor, but my default… View Article

Never Alone #1066 

Published on March 27, 2023 Written by

There are a handful of people in my life who I’ve met and instantly known we were meant to stay connected.  It seems effortless, expectations of each other are aligned and minimal, we make “sense” to each other, and look forward to time together no matter how infrequently it occurs.  Not all relationships work this… View Article


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