Author Archives for Sue Hawkes

YESS! Newsletter June 2018

Published on June 27, 2018 Written by

Summer has officially arrived – FINALLY! That means a short season of weekends at the cabin and shorter Fridays for those of us in the Midwest. While I love being outside in the sunshine as much as the next person, I also am disciplined in staying focused on my goals – personally and professionally. It… View Article

YESS! Newsletter April 2018

Published on June 27, 2018 Written by

While the Super Bowl has passed and Minneapolis is back to “normal” (snow in April? C’mon!), our team is settling into our new offices and our commitment is to play our game like it’s the Super Bowl every day. After attending the game, experiencing the energy and seeing our city show off so wonderfully, it’s… View Article

YESS! Newsletter February 2018

Published on June 27, 2018 Written by

This is our year. The year to focus, expand, and maximize our impact. As I reflect just one month into 2018, I’m determined to be more intentional than ever about my practices and choices about where I spend my time. What practices serve you best? Which ones serve your highest and best use? I invite you… View Article

YESS! Newsletter December 2017

Published on June 27, 2018 Written by

As we approach 2018, how are you feeling? Are you in excitement or stress? Has 2017 been everything you imagined? If not, I invite you to consider designing 2018 to turn out as you desire – at work and beyond. Many of us spend more time planning our vacations than we do planning our lives,… View Article

YESS! Newsletter October 2017

Published on June 27, 2018 Written by

I love this time of year: the lingering traces of summer and the crisp evenings and cool mornings hinting of fall. It prompts me to anticipate my sweaters and boots as I look forward to the next chapter. And speaking of chapters (pardon the pun), my book, Chasing Perfection- Shatter the Illusion; Minimize Self-Doubt & Maximize Success,… View Article

Project SUCCESS Creates Success

Published on February 18, 2018 Written by

Project SUCCESS Creates Success Sue enjoyed interviewing Adrienne Diercks, Founder and Executive Director of Project SUCCESS. This organization works with students grades 6-12 and helps them dream big and create plans to make those dreams a reality. Listen as Adrienne shares the mission of Project SUCCESS, how it started, what’s she’s learned along the way… View Article

Jacobs Marketing: Client Highlight

Published on October 3, 2017 Written by

Jacobs Marketing: Client Highlight Interview The Jacobs Marketing purpose is “to connect and guide for our partners to thrive.” CEO Jackie Gibney embodies this purpose, and she shares how EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, has helped the company live it even stronger. Companies hire the Jacobs team to help them manage their businesses at Target,… View Article

Client Appreciation Party Photos 2017

Published on October 1, 2017 Written by

Check out these photos from our YESS! Client Appreciation Party!  We spent a lovely evening sailing down the St. Croix River, celebrating teams winning together! Special thanks to Ladd Films and Kathy King for the photos.

EOS Self-Implementer Event 10/18

Published on August 24, 2017 Written by

Join us for an EOS Self-Implementer workshop and learn tools to help run a better business through the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). With over 2500 companies professionally implementing EOS, our guess is that there are thousands of other companies that have read the books or downloaded some tools from the website and are implementing the process on… View Article

YESS! Client Appreciation Party 2017

Published on August 14, 2017 Written by

We had a wonderful evening sailing down the St. Croix for our annual YESS! Client Appreciation Party! We are grateful to work with so many wonderful companies who allow us to live the EOS Life: Doing work you love, with people you love, making a huge difference, being compensated well, with time to pursue other… View Article


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