Author Archives for Sue Hawkes

Why Networking Matters As a Young Person

Published on March 27, 2016 Written by

As a young professional I sometimes feel intimidated when attending networking events. I almost always feel underdressed (even when I’m not) and somehow manage to trip or lose my nametag without fail. At times I’ve wondered what the point is since I don’t bring in clients for our business or know many people yet.  After… View Article

Out of the Rut

Published on March 25, 2016 Written by

Originally featured in the Appreciation at Work blog. Have you ever felt like you were in a rut or experiencing a particularly low point in your life? It’s times like these when we feel down, hopeless and stuck. This can run the spectrum of significance, such as being bored at work to grieving the death… View Article

WEE Take 2- A Success!

Published on March 9, 2016 Written by

Our second event for the Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE) was a success! There were over 50 women in attendance, with different generations learning from and being inspired by each other. Content was shared, connections were made, and we appreciate the support of the Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) Minnesota chapters and members for spending their evening… View Article

March WEE Event!

Published on March 2, 2016 Written by

We are excited to announce our next Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE) event will be Tuesday, March 8, 5:30-7:30pm at Clockwork Active Media! It will be another evening filled with content and connections being made between the Minnesota chapter of the Women Presidents’ Organization and young women in the community. There will be a panel, one-on-one… View Article

Do the Next Right Thing

Published on March 1, 2016 Written by

I was happy to interview Kate Grathwol, CEO of Vision Loss Resources, for my monthly column in Minnesota Business magazine. She’s earned the nickname “Kate the Great” from her WPO group for her wise and happy demeanor, which she says is a result of always doing “the next right thing.” “Let me begin by stating the… View Article

Practice Makes Perfect: Do the Work

Published on February 8, 2016 Written by

Client Highlight: Supportive Living Solutions Supportive Living Solutions (SLS) is a family-owned business that has been bettering our community for three generations. SLS was started by Virginia Arrigoni, a recovering alcoholic who wanted to help other alcoholics find a better, sober life as she did. In 1973 Virginia started a halfway house in her own… View Article

The Art of the Possible

Published on January 29, 2016 Written by

I loved interviewing my friend, client and fellow WPO member Lisa David of eCapital Advisors for my “Inspiring Women” column in Minnesota Business magazine. Read how Lisa creates “the art of the possible” wherever she goes! “Making it all possible is a theme in all aspects of Lisa David’s life. Driven by both her intense… View Article

WEE in the News!

Published on January 29, 2016 Written by

We are so excited (hence the above pic!) to see the Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE) getting covered in the news! We hope that we will be able to reach a broader audience of young women and show them the wonderful opportunities entrepreneurialism and small business can provide. Thank you to our sponsors, Lurie LLP and Maslon LLP… View Article

Leadership Lessons From the Heartland

Published on January 27, 2016 Written by

When I think of leadership, Becky Roloff is the embodiment of what it means to lead well. You enter her orange-walled, inspiration-laden YWCA office and are greeted with warmth. You can’t enter a conversation without feeling her devotion to the mission of eliminating racism and empowering women — it’s not only on the walls, it… View Article

Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE)

Published on January 5, 2016 Written by

We at YESS! are excited to announce the creation of the Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE). This is a mentoring program for young women that Sue Hawkes and Ali Stieglbauer (a mother-daughter team) started in partnership with the Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO). The program hopes to help young women ages 18-30 learn more about the world… View Article


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